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QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:39 pm by IMMORTALZ

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QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:59 pm by diScOdAnCer*

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» Unreal Immortalz 2
QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Icon_minitime1Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:11 pm by IMMORTALZ

QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:34 pm by IMMORTALZ

QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:42 pm by IMMORTALZ

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    Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
    Immortal points : 368467299
    Kalakaz Reputation : 548

    QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Left_bar_bleue200000000/1000000000QUAKE 4 COMMAND LIST Empty_bar_bleue  (200000000/1000000000)


    Post by IMMORTALZ Sun May 30, 2010 10:02 pm


    aasStats :shows AAS stats
    activateEditor :activates the currently open editor
    addarrow :adds a debug arrow
    addChatLine :internal use - core to game chat lines
    addIcon :adds a test icon
    addline :adds a debug line
    ai_debugFilter :ai_debugMove and ai_debugTactical only work on the specified entity (if none, does one you're looking at)
    apState :writes AVIs for a command demo
    aviDemo :writes AVIs for a demo
    aviGame :writes AVIs for the current game
    benchmark :benchmark
    bind :binds a command to a key
    bindRagdoll :binds ragdoll at the current drag position
    bindunbindtwo :binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds
    blinkline :blinks a debug line
    buildNotes :build notes about the current map
    bundler :Setup the bundler settings
    call :calls script function and prints out return val
    centerview :centers the view
    checkNewVersion :check if a new version of the game is available
    checkSave :tests save system
    clear :clears the console
    clearAssetLog :clears log of all the assets loaded
    clearLights :clears all lights
    clientCallVote :call a vote: clientCallVote si_.. proposed_value
    clientMessageMode :ingame gui message mode
    clientVoiceChat :voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    clientVoiceChatTeam :team voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    clientvoicemute :mute the specified player's incoming voicechat
    clientvoiceunmute :unmute the specified player's incoming voicechat
    clientVote :cast your vote: clientVote yes | no
    collisionModelInfo :shows collision model info
    combineCubeImages :combines six images for roq compression
    compressDemo :compresses a demo file
    conDump :dumps the console text to a file
    connect :connects to a server
    crash :causes a crash
    createCM :creates a .cm file for a map
    cvar_restart :restart the cvar system
    damage :apply damage to an entity
    debugger :launches the Script Debugger
    dec :decrements the cvar integer value
    DecrementCVar :DecrementCVar <name> <amount> <min>
    deleteSelected :deletes selected entity
    demoShot :writes a screenshot for a demo
    devmap :loads a map in developer mode
    dir :lists a folder
    dirtree :lists a folder with subfolders
    disasmScript :disassembles script
    disconnect :disconnects from a game
    dmap :compiles a map
    echo :prints text
    editAFs :launches the in-game Articulated Figure Editor
    editCVars :edit cvars
    editDecls :launches the in-game Declaration Editor
    editFX :launches the fx editor
    editFX_play :plays current effect in fx editor
    editFX_playlooping :plays current effect in fx editor as looping effect
    editFX_stop :stops current effect in fx editor
    editGUIs :launches the GUI Editor
    editLights :launches the in-game Light Editor
    editMaterials :launches the Material Editor
    editor :launches the level editor Radiant
    editPDAs :launches the in-game PDA Editor
    editPlaybacks :launches the playback editor
    editReverb :launches the reverb editor
    editScripts :launches the in-game Script Editor
    editSounds :launches the in-game Sound Editor
    emote :plays an emote
    entview :launches the game entity viewer
    envshot :takes an environment shot
    error :causes an error
    evaluateMPPerformance :spawns serveral player models
    exec :executes a config file
    execMachineSpec :execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec
    execMPMachineSpec :exits the game
    exitCmdDemo :exits a command demo
    exportCmpMD5R :Export all MD5R models in a compressed form
    exportMD5R :Export all MD5R models
    exportmodels :exports models
    extract_tactical :pulls tactical information for the current position.
    fadeSound :fades all sound by X decibles over Y seconds
    fadeSoundClass :fade the specified sound class
    finishBuild :finishes the build process
    flashlight :toggle actor's flashlight
    forceTeamChange :force team change: forceTeamChange <id>
    freeze :freezes the game for a number of seconds
    game_memory :displays game class info
    gameError :causes a game error
    gameKick :same as kick, but recognizes player names
    getFriends :gets your list of friends
    getServers :get all of the servers from the master server
    getviewpos :prints the current view position
    gfxInfo :show graphics info
    give :gives one or more items
    god :enables god mode
    heartbeat :send a heartbeat to the the master servers
    help :shows help
    hitch :hitches the game
    in_restart :restarts the input system
    inc :increments the cvar integer value
    IncrementCVar :IncrementCVar <name> <amount> <max>
    jump :jumps to a specific debug jump point
    keepTestModel :keeps the last test model in the game
    kick :kick a client by connection number
    kill :kills the player
    killMessage :prints a fake death message
    killMonsters :removes all monsters
    killMoveables :removes all moveables
    killRagdolls :removes all ragdolls
    killVehicles :kills all vehicles
    lanScan :scans LAN for servers
    listActiveEntities :lists active game entities
    listActiveSounds :list the active sounds
    listAF :lists articulated figures
    listAllDecls :lists every single decl, not just the summary
    listAnims :lists all animations
    listAudios :lists Audios
    listBinds :lists key bindings
    listClasses :lists game classes
    listClients :list all clients connected to the server
    listCmds :lists commands
    listCollisionModels :lists collision models
    listCvars :lists cvars
    listDecls :lists all decls
    listDictKeys :lists all keys used by dictionaries
    listDictValues :lists all values used by dictionaries
    listEffects :lists effect decls
    listEmails :lists Emails
    listEntities :lists game entities
    listEntityDefs :lists entity defs
    listEntityStats :lists global entity stats
    listGameCmds :lists game commands
    listGuis :lists guis
    listHuffmanFrequencies :lists decl text character frequencies
    listImageReferences :lists materials and models referencing an image pattern
    listImages :lists images
    listImagesRaven :lists images (Raven)
    listInstances :lists instances
    listLines :lists all debug lines
    listLipsyncs :lists lip sync decls
    listMapEntities :lists map entity numbers
    listMaterials :lists materials
    listMaterialTypes :lists material types
    listModelDefs :lists model defs
    listModels :lists all models
    listModes :lists all video modes
    listMonsters :lists monsters
    listPDAs :lists PDAs
    listPlaybacks :lists playback decls
    listRenderEffectDefs :lists the effect defs
    listRenderEntityDefs :lists the entity defs
    listRendererCmds :lists renderer commands
    listRenderLightDefs :lists the light defs
    listServers :lists scanned servers
    listSkins :lists skins
    listSoundCmds :lists sound commands
    listSoundDecoders :list active sound decoders
    listSounds :lists all sounds
    listSoundShaders :lists sound shaders
    listSpawnArgs :list the spawn args of an entity
    listSpawnIds :lists map entity numbers
    listSystemCmds :lists system commands
    listTables :lists tables
    listThreads :lists script threads
    listToolCmds :lists tool commands
    listVertexCache :lists vertex cache
    listVideos :lists Videos
    loadGame :loads a game
    localizeGuis :localize gui file
    localizeLipsyncs :localize lipsyncs
    localizeMaps :localize map files
    localizeValidateLipsyncs :ensures the emotions in the localized strings match those in the English string
    localizeValidateStrings :makes sure each string exists and is localised
    logview :launches the game log viewer
    makeAmbientMap :makes an ambient map
    makeLoadScreens :Stub to keep the game from erroring out on startup when building load screens
    MakeMegaTexture :processes giant images
    map :loads a map
    memoryDump :creates a memory dump
    memoryDumpCompressed :creates a compressed memory dump
    modulateLights :modifies shader parms on all lights
    modview :launches the model viewer
    netScan :scans internet for servers
    nextAnim :shows next animation on test model
    nextFrame :shows next animation frame on test model
    nextGUI :teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui
    nextjumppoint :jumps to the next debug jump point
    nextMap :loads the next map on the server
    noclip :disables collision detection for the player
    notarget :disables the player as a target
    parse :prints tokenized string
    path :lists search paths
    phonemeGen :generates phonemes for text/wav combination
    playCmdDemo :plays back a command demo
    playDemo :plays back a demo
    playerModel :sets the given model on the player
    playNetDemo :playback a network demo
    playNetTimeDemo :run a timedemo on a network demo
    popLight :removes the last created light
    prevAnim :shows previous animation on test model
    prevFrame :shows previous animation frame on test model
    prevjumppoint :jumps to the previous debug jump point
    printAF :prints an articulated figure
    printAudio :prints an Video
    printEffects :prints effects
    printEmail :prints an Email
    printEntityDef :prints an entity def
    printLipsyncs :prints lip syncs
    printMaterial :prints a material
    printMaterialTypes :prints material types
    printMemInfo :prints memory debugging data
    printModel :prints model info
    printModelDefs :prints a model def
    printPDA :prints an PDA
    printPlaybacks :prints playbacks
    printSkin :prints a skin
    printSoundShader :prints a sound shader
    printTable :prints a table
    printVideo :prints a Audio
    promptKey :prompt and sets the CD Key
    QANotes :qa notes about the current map
    quit :quits the game
    rcon :sends remote console command to server
    reconnect :reconnect to the last server we tried to connect to
    recordDemo :records a demo
    recordNetDemo :recordDemo <name> start recording a network demo
    reexportmodels :reexports models
    regenerateWorld :regenerates all interactions
    reloadanims :reloads animations
    reloadARBprograms :reloads ARB programs
    reloadDecls :reloads decls
    reloadEngine :reloads the engine down to including the file system
    reloadFAS :reloads the viseme data
    reloadGuis :reloads guis
    reloadImages :reloads images
    reloadLanguage :reload language dict
    reloadModels :reloads models
    reloadScript :reloads scripts
    reloadShaders :reloads the hardware shader programs
    reloadSounds :reloads all sounds
    reloadSurface :reloads the decl and images for selected surface
    remove :removes an entity
    removeClientFromBanList :removes a client id from the ban list: removeClientFromBanList <client id>
    removeline :removes a debug line
    renderbump :renders a bump map
    renderbumpFlat :renders a flat bump map
    renderbumpFlatGUI :launches the renderbump flat gui
    reportImageDuplication :checks all referenced images for duplications
    reportSurfaceAreas :lists all used materials sorted by surface area
    resaveDecl :resaves a decl or every decl of a certain type
    rescanSI :internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game
    reset :resets a cvar
    roq :encodes a roq file
    runAAS :compiles an AAS file for a map
    runAASDir :compiles AAS files for all maps in a folder
    runAASTactical :calculates tactical features for an AAS file
    runReach :calculates reachability for an AAS file
    s_restart :restarts the sound system
    saveGame :saves a game
    SaveGameRefreshList :refresh the gui's save list
    saveLights :saves all lights to the .map file
    saveMoveables :save all moveables to the .map file
    saveParticles :saves all lights to the .map file
    saveRagdolls :save all ragdoll poses to the .map file
    saveSelected :saves the selected entity to the .map file
    say :text chat
    sayTeam :team text chat
    screenshot :takes a tga screenshot
    screenshotJpeg :takes a jpg screenshot
    script :executes a line of script
    serverForceReady :force all players ready
    serverInfo :shows server info
    serverMapRestart :restart the current game
    serverNextMap :change to the next map
    set :sets a cvar
    seta :sets a cvar and flags it as archive
    setInstance :sets a player's world instance
    setMachineSpec :detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value
    setPlayerGravity :sets players local gravity
    setPMCVars :Resets player movement cvars
    sets :sets a cvar and flags it as server info
    sett :sets a cvar and flags it as tool
    setu :sets a cvar and flags it as user info
    setviewpos :sets the current view position
    shakesGen :generates shake data for sound shaders
    showDictMemory :shows memory used by dictionaries
    showInteractionMemory :shows memory used by interactions
    showMemAlloc :Prints outstanding mem_alloc tags -- Debug only
    showMemory :gives a reasonably detailed account of memory usage
    showStringMemory :shows memory used by strings
    showTriSurfMemory :shows memory used by triangle surfaces
    sizeDown :makes the rendered view smaller
    sizeUp :makes the rendered view larger
    soundLog :list the number of times sounds have been played
    spawn :spawns a game entity
    spawnGUI :spawn gui
    spawnServer :spawns a server
    startBuild :prepares to make a build
    stopNetDemo :stop playing/recording a network demo
    stopRecording :stops demo recording
    tabComplete :tab completes it's argument
    teleport :teleports the player to an entity location
    testAnim :tests an animation
    testBlend :tests animation blending
    testDamage :tests a damage def
    testDeath :tests death
    testGUI :tests a gui
    testid :output the string for the specified id.
    testImage :displays the given image centered on screen
    testLight :tests a light
    testmap :tests a map
    testModel :tests a model
    testParticleStopTime :tests particle stop time on a test model
    testPointLight :tests a point light
    testSave :writes out a test savegame
    testShaderParm :sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel
    testSIMD :test SIMD code
    testSkin :tests a skin on an existing testModel
    testSound :tests a sound
    testStandaloneVideo :displays the a standalone cinematic
    testVideo :displays the given cinematic
    timeCmdDemo :times a command demo
    timeDemo :times a demo
    timeDemoQuit :times a demo and quits
    toggle :toggles a cvar
    touch :touches a decl
    touchFile :touches a file
    touchFileList :touches a list of files
    touchGui :touches a gui
    touchModel :touches a model
    trigger :triggers an entity
    unbind :unbinds any command from a key
    unbindall :unbinds any commands from all keys
    unbindRagdoll :unbinds the selected ragdoll
    undying :enables undying mode (take damage down to 1 health, but do not die)
    updateUI :internal - cause a sync down of game-modified userinfo
    verifyServerSettings :verifies the game type can be played on the map
    vid_restart :restarts renderSystem
    viewNotes :notes about the current map
    vstr :inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
    wait :delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
    weaponSplat :projects a blood splat on the player weapon
    where :prints the current view position
    writeAssetLog :generates log file of all the assets loaded
    writeCmdDemo :writes a command demo
    writeConfig :writes a config file
    WriteConfiguration :WriteConfiguration
    writeDeclFile :writes all currently parsed decls to a file
    writePrecache :writes precache commands
    writeProgramImages :write program formulated targas to compression dir
    writeRDF :write RDF file
    WriteServerConfig :Writes all server related cvars out to the filename provided

    357 commands

      Current date/time is Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:16 am