grab good time told to pay more taxes if they do not command it to serve that would take much longer than it takes to get them out so you find you have left but will be Ablan Fasi that you not only English but I aul English Spanish and a little good here I leave all the commands that I could take something hopefully will serve
3 posters
Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°1
Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°2
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
these commands only walk you enable the console in multiplayer or in single-player game.
To enable the console in multiplayer have to put the following one and disable it net_allowcheats net_allowcheats 0
Attention some commands you can close the server that the game does not hold and close only the server but are
make sure not! have be careful!
comandos [M]
m_maxlnput (caps the amount of mouse movement possible)
m_showmouserate (shows mouse movement)
m_strafesmooth (number of samples blended for mouse moving)
m_smooth (number of samples blended for mouse viewing)
m_strafescale (mouse strafe movement scale)
m_yaw (mouse yaw scale)
m_pitch (mouse pitch scale)
comandos [Mat]
mat_weitehitmaterials (1 = weite preprocessed hit image data to file.)
mat_weitehitmaterials (1 = use preprocessed hit image files)
spawn [Moveable]
spawn [M] ~>Crate
spawn moveable_crate_exploding1
spawn moveable_crete1_small
spawn moveable_create1_medium
spawn moveable_create1_tall
spawn moveable_create_ammobox
spawn moveable_create_create1
spawn moveable_create_create3
spawn moveable_create_strogg3_64
spawn moveable_create_strogg3_48
spawn [M] ~>Bareel
spawn moveable_barrel_test
spawn moveable_barrel_test2
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1a
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1b
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1c
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1d
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2a
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2b
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2c
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2d
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyenta
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyentb
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyentc
spawn [M] ~>Stage
spawn moveable_stage_burn
spawn moveable_stage_ignite
spawn moveable_stage_launch
spawn moveable_stage_launch_red
spawn moveable_stage_waitfordead
spawn moveable_stage_ramdomdelay
spawn moveable_stage_launch_tram
spawn moveable_stage_explode
spawn moveable_stage_break_begin
spawn moveable_stage_break
spawn moveable_stage_break_finish
spawn moveable_stage_waitforimpact
spawn moveable_stage_waitfortrigger
spawn [M] ~>Base
spawn moveable_base
spawn moveable_base_brick
spawn moveable_base_domino
spawn moveable_base_barrel
spawn moveable_base_fixed
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn moveable_explodingbarrel
spawn moveable_burningbarrel
spawn moveable_explodingtank
spawn moveable_burningtank
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn moveable_plate
spawn moveable_panel
spawn moveable_beam
spawn moveable_beam2
spawn moveable_pallet
spawn moveable_pallet_96
spawn [M] ~>Machine
spawn moveable_machine1
spawn moveable_machine2
spawn moveable_machine3
spawn moveable_machine4
spawn moveable_machine5
spawn moveable_machine6
spawn moveable_machine7
spawn moveable_machine8
spawn moveable_machine9
spawn moveable_machine10
spawn moveable_machine11
spawn moveable_machine_chunk1
spawn moveable_machine_chunk2
spawn [M] ~>Pod
spawn moveable_bonesaw
spawn moveable_pod
spawn moveable_poddoor_1
spawn moveable_poddoor_1a
spawn moveable_poddoor_2
spawn [M] ~>Gid
spawn moveable_gib_head_pork
spawn moveable_gib_torso_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup_arm_pork
spawn moveable_gib_left_waist_pork
spawn moveable_gib_lip_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup2_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_pelvis_pork
spawn moveable_gib_skull
spawn moveable_gib_big_head_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_torso_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup_arm_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_left_waist_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_lup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup2_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_pelvis_pork
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_wing
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_gun
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_door
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_bit1
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_wing1
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_wing2
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_bit
spawn moveable_gib_tram_bar1
spawn moveable_gib_tram_bar2
spawn moveable_gib_tram_floor
spawn moveable_gib_tram_frame
spawn [M] ~>Marine
spawn moveable_marine_helmet
spawn moveable_marine_helmet_shot
spawn moveable_marine_aircannister
spawn moveable_marine_binder4
spawn moveable_marine_fireext
spawn [M] ~>N1
spawn moveable_convoy_roadpanel
spawn [M] ~>Harvester
spawn moveable_harvester_lg1
spawn moveable_harvester_lg2
spawn moveable_harvester_lg3
spawn moveable_harvester_lg4
spawn [M] ~>Item
spawn moveable_item_dmg
spawn moveable_item_grenadelauncher
spawn moveable_item_hyperblaster
spawn moveable_item_lightning_gun
spawn moveable_item_machinegun
spawn moveable_item_nailgun
spawn moveable_item_railgun
spawn moveable_item_rocketlaunchear
spawn moveable_item_shotgun
spawn [MP] ~CTF | FLAG
spawn mp_ctf_flag
spawn mp_ctf_marine_flag
spawn mp_ctf_strogg_flag
spawn mp_ctf_one_flag
spawn mp_ctf_flag_pole
spawn mp_ctf_flag_world
spawn mp_ctf_marine_flag_world
spawn mp_ctf_strogg_flag_world
spawn mp_icom
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn mpcpuintelplayerlimit
spawn mpcpuamdplayrtlimit
spawn [M] ~>Model
spawn model_player_failed_trasfer
spawn model_player_slimy_trasfer
spawn model_player_corpse
spawn model_player_marine_tech
spawn model_player_tactical_elite
spawn model_player_tactical_command
spawn model_player_marine
spawn model_player_marine_morris
spawn model_player_marine_voss
spawn model_player_marine_cortez
spawn model_player_marine_helmeted
spawn model_player_marine_medic
spawn model_player_marine_officer
spawn model_player_marine_fatigues
spawn model_player_marine_transfer
spawn model_player_tactical_trasfer
spawn model_player_kane_strogg
spawn [M] ~>Melee
spawn melle_monster_base
spawn melle_marine
spawn medic_vaccinegun
spawn monstereyestalk
spawn melee_berserker_new
spawn melee_berserker
spawn melee_berserker_mace
spawn melee_berserker_leap
spawn melee_berserker_popup_a
spawn melee_berserker_popup_b
spawn melee_berserker
spawn melee_bossbuddy
spawn melee_bossbuddy_swipe
spawn melee_bossbuddy_punch
spawn melee_failed_transfer
spawn melee_failed_transfer_light
spawn melee_gladiator
spawn melee_gladiator_left
spawn melee_shield
spawn melee_grunt
spawn melee_grunt_leap
spawn melee_gunner_right
spawn melee_gunner_left
spawn melee_htank
spawn melee_iron_maiden
spawn melee_makron_stab
spawn [M] ~>Mcc1
spawn mcc1_char_marine
spawn mcc1_char_marine_tech
spawn mcc1_char_marine_medic
spawn mcc1_char_marine_fatigues
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic
spawn mcc1_char_doctor
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic_harper
spawn mcc1_char_marine_officer
spawn mcc1_makron
spawn mcc1_monster_grunt
spawn mcc1_monster_strogg_marine
spawn mcc1_chair
spawn mcc1_tactical_station_mcc2
spawn mcc1_vehicle_bodytable
spawn mcc1_vehicle_medbed_patient
spawn mcc1_char_marine
spawn mcc1_char_marine_tech
spawn mcc1_char_marine_medic
spawn mcc1_char_marine_fatigues
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic
spawn mcc1_char_doctor
spawn mcc1_marine_cinematic_harper
spawn mcc1_marine_officer
spawn [M] ~>Ammo
spawn ammo_machinegun
spawn ammo_nailgun
spawn ammo_shotgun
spawn ammo_hyperblaster
spawn ammo_rocketlauncher
spawn ammo_grenadelauncher
spawn ammo_lightninggun
spawn ammo_dmg
spawn ammo_machinegun_moveable
sapwn ammo_hyperblaster_moveable
spawn ammo_nailgun_moveable
spawn ammo_rocketlauncher_moveable
spawn ammo_grenadelauncher_moveable
spawn ammo_railgun_moveable
spawn ammo_shotgun_moveable
spawn ammo_lightninggun_moveable
spawn ammo_dmg_moveable
comandos [In]
in_joystick (enable joystick input)
in_mouse (ebable mouse input)
in_joystickleftstickmove (left or right controls move)
in_togglezoom (pressig _zoom on/off)
in_togglecrouch (pressing _movedown toggles player crouching/standing"
in_togglerun (pressing _speed button toggles run on/off - only in MP)
in_alwaysrun always run (reverse _speed button)
in_freelook look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button)
in_anglespeedkey (angle change scale when holding down _speed button)
in_pitchspeed (pitch change speed when holding down look_lookup or_lookdown button)
in_yawspeed (yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button)
comandos [Com]
combinecubelmages <baseName>
com_allowbadsavegamevercion (for debugging purposes only - so you can attempt to load savegames from a diff arent version - data may not match,may crash game)
com_lastquicksave is:"quick3" -default "quick0"
com_skiplevelloadpause is:"0" -default "0"
com_guid -default "#"
com_wipeseconds is:"1" -default "1"
com_avidemotics is:"2" -default "2"
com_avidemoheight is:"256" -default "256"
com_avidemowidth is:"256" -default "256"
com_avidemosamples is:"16" -default "16"
com_skipgamedraw is:"0" -default "0"
com_showdemo is:"0" -default "0"
com_syncgameframe is:"0" -default "0"
com_fixedtic is:"0" -default "0"
com_showtics is:"0" -default "0"
com_mintics is:"0" -default "0"
com_showangles is:"0" -default "0"
com_journal (1 = record journal,2 = play back journal)
com_preloaddemos (load the whole demo in to ram before running it)
comandos [F]
forceteamchange (MP ONLY) forces player to change teams. usage: forceteamchange <client number>
fadesoundclass usage: fadesoundclass <classnum> <dB>
freeze <seconds>
comandos [Fs]
fs_mappaks -default "0" (use level paks. only checks pak with the same name as the map)
fs_importpath -default "0" (rjohnson:fixme)
fs_searchaddons-default "0" search all addon pa4s (disables addon functionality)
fs_casesensitive0S is:"0" -default "0"
fs_game_base is:"" -default "" (alternate mod path,searched after the main fs_game path,beforce the basedir)
fs_game "" -default "" (mod path)
fs_depath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (este comando es para ubicar el juego como el ejemplo que puse)
fs_cdpath is"" -default ""
fs_savepath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (este comando guarda la ubicacion del juego)
fs_basepath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (es una variante igual a las otras dos se encargar de las ubicaciones)
fs_copyfiles is:"0" -default "0"
fs_debug is:"0" -default "0"
fs_restrict is:"0" -default ""
comandos [Fas]
fas_time0ffser (ms offset to the viseme frame)
fas_intensitybias (bias applied to the intensity of the phoneme when trying to extract the viseme)
fas_blendbias (multiplier to the per phoneme blend time)
fas_threshhold1 (intensity required to use frame set 1)
fas_threshhold0 (intensity required to use frame set 0)
fas_debug (debug info for facial animation system)
comandos [C]
call (usage: call <retkey> funcname <parm1> <parm2>...)
clientvoiceunmute (usage: clientvoiceunmute <player>)
clientvoicemute (usage: clientvoicemute <player>)
clientvoicechatt (only valid in multiplayer)
clientvoicechat (only valid in multiplayer)
clientcallvote (UTILITATION: clientcallvote <tipo> <valor> -> los tipos validos son: restart,timelimit,fraglimit,gametype,kick,map,spectators,nextmap,capturelimit.)
clientvote (UTILITATION: clientvote <yes,no>)
clientmessagemode (only valid in multiplayer)
clearlights (clearing all lights.)
collisionmodelinfo (you must be alive to use this command.)
checknewversion (failed to resolve master0:
connect (usage: connect <servername>)
combinecubelmages (usage combinecubeimages <basename> combines basename[1-6] [0001-9999].tga to basenameCM[0001-9999].tga 1:forward 2:right 3:back 4:left 5:up 6:down)
createCM <|.IWO>
crash (may only be used in developer mode)
condump (usage: condump <filename>)
clear (borra todo)
com_allowbadsavegamevercion (for debugging purposes only - so you can attempt to load savergames from a diff erent vercion - data may not match,may crash game)
com_guid is:"" -default ""
com_wipeseconds is:"1" -default "1"
comandos [b]
bsestats ~>processing 1136 registeres effects
1 segments in 2 loaded effects (1134 never referenced)
0.50 segments per effect
1.00 of segments have particles
1.00 particles per segment with particles
buildnotes -no map loaded!
blinkline -you must be alive to use this command.
bind -bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key
benchmark -no primaryview for benchmarking
bindunbindtwo - <keynum> [command]
comandos [bse]
bse_ratecost (rate cost multiplier for spawned effects
bse_ratelimit (rate limit for spawned effects
bse_maxparticles (max number of particles allowed per segment
bse_singleeffect (set to the name of the effect that is only played
bse_scale (effect scalability amount)
bse_debris (disable effect debris)
bse_physics (disable effect physics)
bse_showbounds (display debug bounding boxes effect)
bse_debug (display debug info about effect)
bse_render (disable effect rendering)
bse_enabled (set to false to disable all effects)
comandos [Win]
win_viewlog_ypos (vertical position of viewlog)
win_viewlog_xpos (horizontal position of viewlog)
win_enablefpuexceptions (enable FPU exceptions)
win_allowmultipleinstances (allow multiple instances running concurrently)
win_timerupdate (allows the game to be updated while dragging the window)
comandos [Image]
image_dontuseprecompressedskyboxesforCGW (temp hack in case)
image_writeprogramimages (copy program targas to compression directory)
image_downsizelimit (controls diffuse map downsample limit [0 = 64])
image_ignorehighquality (ignore high quality setting on materials)
image_downsizebumplimit (controls normal map downsample limit [0 = 64])
image_downsizespecularlimit (controls specular downsampled limit [0 = 64])
image_downsizebump (controls normal map downsampling)
image_downsizespecular (controls specular downsamplig)
image_showbackgroundloads (1 = print number of outstanding background loads)
image_usecache (1= do background load image caching)
image_cachemegs (maximun MB full-sized precompressed images to keep in memory)
image_cachemink (minimun KB of precompressed files to defer)
image_useofflinecompression (write a batch file for offline compression of DDS files)
image_writeTGA (write .tgas of the non normal maps for debugging)
image_writenormalTGA (write .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging)
image_writeprecompressedtextures (write .dds files if necessary)
image_useprecompressedtextures (use .dds files if present)
image_usenormalcompressionloadDDSforpal (1 = load dds files,and deswizzle them [only relevant for image_usenormalcompression = 1])
image_usenormalcompression (2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps,1 = use 256 color compression for no rmal maps if available)
image_useallformats (allow alpha/intensity/luminance/luminance+alpha)
image_usecompression (0 = force everything to high quality)
image_preload (if 0, wait until level end to load images)
image_colormiplevels (development aid to see texture mip usage)
image_downsize (controls texture downsampling)
image_lodbias (change lod bias on mipmapped images)
image_anisotropy (set the maximun texture anisotropy if available)
image_filter (changes texture filtering on mipmapped images)
imagestats (usage - imagestats <lo> <hi>)
comandos [si]
si_idleserver (game clients are idle)
si_version (engine version)
si_autobalance (maintain even teams)
si_shuffle (shuffle teams after each round)
si_spectators (allow spectators or require all clients to play)
si_usepass (enable client password checking)
si_warmup (do pre-game warmup)
si_teamdamage (enable team damage)
si_timelimit (time limit in minutes)
si_fraglimit (frag limit)
si_allowhitscantint (use hitscan tint. rail color 0 - no tinting allowed.
1 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and no hitscan tinting in team games.
2 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and use team-color hitscan tints in team games.
si_allowvoting (enable or disable server option voting)
si_useready (require players to ready before starting a match)
si_tourneylimit (number of times a tourney will be run before cycling maps)
si_capturelimit (score limit for CTF)
si_minplayers (min number of players to start a game [only when warmup is enabled])
si_maxplayers (max number of players allowed on the server)
si_mapcycle (map cycle list semicolon delimited)
si_map (map to be played next on server)
si_gametype (game type - singleplayer,DM,TEAM DM,CTF,Arena CTF,or tourney)
si_name (name of the server)
si_weaponstay (cannot pick up weapons you already have [get no ammo from them])
si_countdown (pregame countdown in seconds)
si_entityfilter (filter to use when spawning entities)
si_pure (server is pure and does not allow modified data)
comandos [Cl]
cl_showentityinfo# 1 para abilitar y 0 para desabilitar
cl_punkbuster# 1 para abilitar y 0 para desabilitar (is client side punkbuster enabled?)
comando [sv]
sv_punkbuster 0
sv_punkbuster 1
comandos [A] ~>Ai
ai_playerpushalways (always allow player to push buddies, unlees scripted)
ai_debugeyefocus (draws eye focus info)
ai_allowoldaas (allows al to use most recent aas file,even if it is not up-to-date.enable on ly for testing.)
ai_useRVMastermove (changes al to use new master move function)
ai_disablecover (disables al using cover points)
ai_disablesimplethink (disables simple thinkking in al entities)
ai_disableattacks (disables attack decisions)
ai_disableenttactical (disables tactical points around entities)
ai_allowtacticalrush (allows tactical ai to rush an enemy when hurt)
ai_debugstealth (draws suspicion info for enemies)
ai_deungsquad (draws squad info for allies)
ai_blockedfailsafe (enable blocked fail safe handling)
ai_show0bstacleavoidance (draws obstacle avoidance information for monsters. if 2, draws obstacles for player, as well)
ai_showpaths (draws path_* entities)
ai_showcombatnodes (draws attack cones for monsters)
ai_debugfilterstring (see ai_debugfilter)
ai_debughelpers (draws ai helpers)
ai_debugtactical (draws tactical information for monsters)
ai_debugtrajectory (draws trajectory tests for monster)
ai_debugmove (draws movement information for monsters)
ai_debugscript (displays script calls for the specified monster entity number)
comandos [PM]
pm_vehiclecamerascalemax is:"300" default:"300"
pm_vehiclecameraspeedscale is:"0.5" default "0.5"
pm_vehiclecameramindist is:"300" default "300"
pm_vehiclecamerasnap is:"1" default "1"
pm_forcespectatormove (force the player to move like a spectator [fly])
pm_frictionoverride (adjust the player friciton.)
pm_acceloverride (adjust the player acceleration)
pm_air (howlong in milliseconds the player can go without air beforce he starts taking damege)
pm_movelview (draws camera from POV of player model [1 = always,2 = when dead])
pm_thirdpersondeath (enables third person view when player dies)
pm_thirdperson (enables third person view)
pm_thirdpersonclip (clip third person view into world space)
pm_thirdpersonangle (direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees [0 = behind player,180 = in front])
pm_thirdpersonheight (height of camera from normal view height in 3rd person)
pm_thirdpersonrange (camera distance from player in 3rd person)
pm_runbob (bob faster when running)
pm_walkbob (bob slowly when walking)
comandos [Server]
// Server
seta si_name "GameType Revolution 0.17b | P.R. 1.3" // NAME OF YOUR SERVER
seta si_pure "1" // ALWAYS USE PURE SERVERS
seta si_gameType "G DM"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm1"
seta si_mapCycle "mp/q4dm1;mp/q4dm2" // EXAMPLE MAPCYCLE
seta net_serverAllowServerMod "1" // ALLOWING MOD
seta net_serverClientTimeout "40"
seta net_serverDedicated "1"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "25600" // MAXIMAL RATE OF A PLAYERS, LEAVE THIS AT VALUE 25600
seta net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay "5"
seta net_serverZombieTimeout "5"
seta net_allowCheats "0" // DON'T ALLOW CHEATS
seta net_serverReloadEngine "0" // DON'T RELOAD ENGINE EVERYTIME
seta sv_punkbuster "1" // PUNKBUSTER ENABLED
// Passwords
seta g_password "" // DEFINE YOUR SERVER PASSWORD
seta net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "" // SET YOUR RCON PASSWORD HERE
// Private Slots
seta g_privatePassword "" // DEFINE A PASSWORD for private slots
// GTR
seta si_scoreBotRefreshRate "10"
seta si_gamemode "gtr"
seta match_timeoutLength "300"
seta net_serverRefereePassword "" // YOUR REFEREE PASSWORD
// Autodownload
seta net_serverDownload "2"
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "" // YOUR URL USING HTTP
seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/cc_brightskins_01.pk4;q4base/cc_weapskins_01.pk4;gtr/map_midairX.pk4;gtr/z-pak-016.pk4;gtr/z-game-linux32-016.pk4;gtr/z-game-win32-016.pk4;" // PATH TO THE FILES AVAILABLE ON THE AUTODOWNLOAD SERVER
// Masterservers
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
// Logging
seta g_log "0"
seta logFileName "" // NAME OF YOUR LOGFILE
// Spawn
comandos [Quake4Config.cfg]
// allow console
seta com_allowconsole 1
// userinfos:
seta ui_name "AÞøçälïÞsïZ"
seta ui_clan "-K|a|L|a|K|a|Z-"
seta ui_model "model_player_marine"
seta ui_skin "base"
seta ui_showGun "1"
seta ui_autoReload "1"
seta ui_autoSwitch "0"
seta ui_hitscanTint "240 0.6 1"
seta ui_model_strogg "model_player_kane_strogg"
seta ui_model_marine ""
// clientsettings
seta cl_autoAction "0"
seta cl_blood "1"
seta cl_gibs "0"
seta cl_viewBobbing "0"
seta cl_grenadeTrail "1"
seta cl_nailTrail "1"
seta cl_rocketTrail "1"
seta cl_tinyRailTrail "1"
seta cl_enemyColorLegs "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorTorso "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorArms "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorIntensity "1"
seta cl_teamColorLegs "0000ff"
seta cl_teamColorTorso "ffffff"
seta cl_teamColorArms "ff0000"
seta cl_teamColorIntensity "1"
seta cl_teamForceColors "7"
seta cl_weaponConfig10 "-1 -1 -1 15 32 ff7722"
seta cl_weaponConfig9 "-1 -1 -1 9 24 c433ff"
seta cl_weaponConfig8 "-1 -1 -1 8 24 ffff99"
seta cl_weaponConfig7 "-1 -1 -1 7 24 00ff00"
seta cl_weaponConfig6 "-1 -1 -1 6 24 ff0000"
seta cl_weaponConfig5 "-1 -1 -1 5 24 99cccc"
seta cl_weaponConfig4 "-1 -1 -1 4 24 338f12"
seta cl_weaponConfig3 "-1 -1 -1 3 24 0073ff"
seta cl_weaponConfig2 "-1 -1 -1 2 24 ff8c00"
seta cl_weaponConfig1 "-1 -1 -1 1 24 ffff00"
seta cl_weaponConfig0 "-1 -1 -1 13 32 0088ff"
seta cl_weaponConfigs "0"
seta cl_useScreenShotJPEG "0"
seta cl_editMapLocations "0"
seta cl_weaponBobbing "0"
// huds:
seta hud_lagometerPosition "10 380"
seta hud_drawTeamOverlay "1"
seta hud_teamOverlayDrawSelf "1"
seta hud_showTeamHealth "1"
seta hud_drawTimer "2"
seta hud_teamOverlayAlpha "1 0.5"
seta hud_showSpeed "0"
seta hud_showJumps "0"
seta hud_ammoBar "0"
seta hud_ammoColor "1"
seta hud_ammoVisible "1"
seta hud_weaponHighlight "0"
seta hud_weaponSwitch "3"
seta hud_weaponVisible "1"
seta hud_barStyle "0"
// serverinfos:
seta si_numPlayers "4"
seta si_fragLimit "15"
seta si_timeLimit "0"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm1"
seta si_gameType ""
seta si_voiceChat "0"
seta si_serverURL ""
seta si_autobalance "0"
seta si_shuffle "0"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_usePass "0"
seta si_warmup "1"
seta si_teamDamage "0"
seta si_suddenDeathRestart "1"
seta si_privatePlayers "0"
seta si_allowHitscanTint "2"
seta si_allowVoting "1"
seta si_useReady "1"
seta si_tourneyLimit "3"
seta si_captureLimit "5"
seta si_minPlayers "1"
seta si_maxPlayers "12"
seta si_mapCycle ""
seta si_name "IMMORTALZ NEVER DIE"
seta si_autoAction ""
seta si_freeModels "0"
seta si_scoreBotRefreshRate "10"
seta si_scoreBotSupport "1"
seta si_roundLimit "7"
// game settings:
seta g_privatePassword ""
seta g_friendsList ""
seta g_favoritesList ""
seta g_showHudPopups "0"
seta g_announcerDelay "1000"
seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"
seta g_gameReviewPause "15"
seta g_password ""
seta g_gunViewStyle "0"
seta g_crosshairCustomFile "gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_q3_8.tga"
seta g_crosshairCustom "1"
seta g_crosshairColor "1 0 0 1"
seta g_crosshairSize "40"
seta g_brassTime "1"
seta g_showProjectilePct "0"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_simpleItems "0"
seta g_skipItemShadowsMP "1"
seta g_skipPlayerShadowsMP "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale "10"
seta pm_vehicleCameraScaleMax "300"
seta pm_vehicleCameraSpeedScale "0.5"
seta pm_vehicleCameraMinDist "300"
seta pm_vehicleCameraSnap "1"
seta pm_zoomedSlow "100"
seta g_editEntityTextDistance "256"
seta g_editEntityDistance "512"
seta g_showcamerainfo "0"
seta g_healthTakeLimit "25"
seta g_healthTakeAmt "5"
seta g_healthTakeTime "5"
seta g_useDynamicProtection "1"
seta g_armorProtectionMP "0.66667"
seta g_armorProtection "0.66667"
seta g_nightmare "0"
seta g_decals "1"
seta g_doubleVision "0"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
seta g_forceMarineModel "model_player_marine_helmeted_bright"
seta g_forceStroggModel "model_player_tactical_transfer_bright"
seta g_forceModel "model_player_marine_helmeted_bright"
seta g_spectatorChat "1"
seta g_fov "100"
seta g_gunZ "0"
seta g_gunY "0"
seta g_gunX "0"
// mouse input:
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_accel "0"
seta sensitivity "5"
// general input
seta in_joystickLeftStickMove "1"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_alwaysRun "1"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140
// network:
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_httpProxyMode "1"
seta net_httpProxy ""
seta net_reportUsageStatistics "0"
seta net_clientDownload "1"
seta net_serverAllowServerMod "0"
seta net_LANServer "0"
seta net_menuLANServer "1"
seta net_master4 ""
seta net_master3 ""
seta net_master2 ""
seta net_master1 ""
seta net_clientMaxRate "16000"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "25000"
seta net_serverMenuDedicated "0"
seta net_serverDlTable ""
seta net_serverDlBaseURL ""
seta net_serverDownload "0"
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1"
seta net_serverRefereePassword ""
seta sv_punkbuster "0"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
// sound:
seta s_useDeferredSettings "1"
seta s_minStereo "8"
seta s_deviceName "NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio"
seta s_useEAXOcclusion "0"
seta s_useEAXReverb "0"
seta s_useOpenAL "0"
seta s_voiceVolume "1.0"
seta s_voiceLatency "100"
seta s_micInputLevel "6"
seta s_voiceChatEcho "0"
seta s_voiceChatReceive "1"
seta s_voiceChatSend "1"
seta s_radioChatterFraction "0.9"
seta s_speakerFraction "0.65"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_subFraction "0.5"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_spatializationDecay "2"
seta s_maxChannelsMixed "16"
seta s_musicVolume "0"
seta s_decompressionLimit "2"
seta s_globalFraction "0.8"
seta s_playDefaultSound "1"
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0"
seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150"
seta s_volume "1"
seta s_altHitsounds "1"
// renderer:
seta r_strictResolutionMatch "1"
seta r_debugArrowStep "120"
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0"
seta r_forceLoadImages "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_useSMP "0"
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_renderer "best"
seta r_brightness "2"
seta r_gamma "1.3"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"
seta r_customHeight "486"
seta r_customWidth "720"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_displayRefresh ""
seta r_mode "7"
seta r_aspectRatio "0"
seta r_alphaToCoverage "1"
seta r_multiSamples "4"
seta r_skipWorldFX ""
seta r_forceAmbient "0"
// image:
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "100"
seta image_cacheMinK "30"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompressionLoadDDSForPal "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "4"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta bse_rateCost "1.0"
seta bse_rateLimit "1.0"
seta bse_scale "1"
seta gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60"
seta gui_smallFontLimit "0.30"
seta win_viewlog_update_count "10"
seta win_viewlog_ypos "0"
seta win_viewlog_xpos "0"
seta win_ypos "22"
seta win_xpos "3"
seta demo_enforceFS "0"
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
seta com_lastQuicksave "Quick0"
seta com_skipLevelLoadPause "0"
seta com_preloadDemos "0"
seta com_compressDemos "1"
seta com_videoRam "256"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta com_purgeAll "0"
seta com_machineSpec "2"
seta sys_lang "english"
seta pm_bobroll "0.002"
seta pm_bobpitch "0.002"
seta pm_bobup "0.005"
seta pm_runroll "0.005"
seta pm_runpitch "0.002"
seta pm_runbob "0.4"
seta pm_walkbob "0.3"
seta pm_crouchbob "0.5"
seta match_overtimeCount "0"
seta match_overtimeLength "5"
seta match_overtime "1"
seta match_timeoutCount "3"
seta match_timeoutLength "60"
seta si_gamemode ""
seta g_onlyArmorTD "0"
seta g_firstPUrandomSpawn "0"
seta match_selfDamage "1"
seta match_fallingDamage "1"
seta g_maxRespawnTime "10"
seta g_altMinRespawnLimit "0"
seta match_respawnOnSD "1"
these commands only walk you enable the console in multiplayer or in single-player game.
To enable the console in multiplayer have to put the following one and disable it net_allowcheats net_allowcheats 0
Attention some commands you can close the server that the game does not hold and close only the server but are
make sure not! have be careful!
comandos [M]
m_maxlnput (caps the amount of mouse movement possible)
m_showmouserate (shows mouse movement)
m_strafesmooth (number of samples blended for mouse moving)
m_smooth (number of samples blended for mouse viewing)
m_strafescale (mouse strafe movement scale)
m_yaw (mouse yaw scale)
m_pitch (mouse pitch scale)
comandos [Mat]
mat_weitehitmaterials (1 = weite preprocessed hit image data to file.)
mat_weitehitmaterials (1 = use preprocessed hit image files)
spawn [Moveable]
spawn [M] ~>Crate
spawn moveable_crate_exploding1
spawn moveable_crete1_small
spawn moveable_create1_medium
spawn moveable_create1_tall
spawn moveable_create_ammobox
spawn moveable_create_create1
spawn moveable_create_create3
spawn moveable_create_strogg3_64
spawn moveable_create_strogg3_48
spawn [M] ~>Bareel
spawn moveable_barrel_test
spawn moveable_barrel_test2
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1a
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1b
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1c
spawn moveable_barrel_medium1d
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2a
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2b
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2c
spawn moveable_barrel_medium2d
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyenta
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyentb
spawn moveable_barrel_stroyentc
spawn [M] ~>Stage
spawn moveable_stage_burn
spawn moveable_stage_ignite
spawn moveable_stage_launch
spawn moveable_stage_launch_red
spawn moveable_stage_waitfordead
spawn moveable_stage_ramdomdelay
spawn moveable_stage_launch_tram
spawn moveable_stage_explode
spawn moveable_stage_break_begin
spawn moveable_stage_break
spawn moveable_stage_break_finish
spawn moveable_stage_waitforimpact
spawn moveable_stage_waitfortrigger
spawn [M] ~>Base
spawn moveable_base
spawn moveable_base_brick
spawn moveable_base_domino
spawn moveable_base_barrel
spawn moveable_base_fixed
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn moveable_explodingbarrel
spawn moveable_burningbarrel
spawn moveable_explodingtank
spawn moveable_burningtank
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn moveable_plate
spawn moveable_panel
spawn moveable_beam
spawn moveable_beam2
spawn moveable_pallet
spawn moveable_pallet_96
spawn [M] ~>Machine
spawn moveable_machine1
spawn moveable_machine2
spawn moveable_machine3
spawn moveable_machine4
spawn moveable_machine5
spawn moveable_machine6
spawn moveable_machine7
spawn moveable_machine8
spawn moveable_machine9
spawn moveable_machine10
spawn moveable_machine11
spawn moveable_machine_chunk1
spawn moveable_machine_chunk2
spawn [M] ~>Pod
spawn moveable_bonesaw
spawn moveable_pod
spawn moveable_poddoor_1
spawn moveable_poddoor_1a
spawn moveable_poddoor_2
spawn [M] ~>Gid
spawn moveable_gib_head_pork
spawn moveable_gib_torso_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup_arm_pork
spawn moveable_gib_left_waist_pork
spawn moveable_gib_lip_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_rup2_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_pelvis_pork
spawn moveable_gib_skull
spawn moveable_gib_big_head_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_torso_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup_arm_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_left_waist_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_lup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_rup2_leg_pork
spawn moveable_gib_big_pelvis_pork
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_wing
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_gun
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_door
spawn moveable_gib_marine_fighter_bit1
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_wing1
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_wing2
spawn moveable_gib_marine_stroggflyer_bit
spawn moveable_gib_tram_bar1
spawn moveable_gib_tram_bar2
spawn moveable_gib_tram_floor
spawn moveable_gib_tram_frame
spawn [M] ~>Marine
spawn moveable_marine_helmet
spawn moveable_marine_helmet_shot
spawn moveable_marine_aircannister
spawn moveable_marine_binder4
spawn moveable_marine_fireext
spawn [M] ~>N1
spawn moveable_convoy_roadpanel
spawn [M] ~>Harvester
spawn moveable_harvester_lg1
spawn moveable_harvester_lg2
spawn moveable_harvester_lg3
spawn moveable_harvester_lg4
spawn [M] ~>Item
spawn moveable_item_dmg
spawn moveable_item_grenadelauncher
spawn moveable_item_hyperblaster
spawn moveable_item_lightning_gun
spawn moveable_item_machinegun
spawn moveable_item_nailgun
spawn moveable_item_railgun
spawn moveable_item_rocketlaunchear
spawn moveable_item_shotgun
spawn [MP] ~CTF | FLAG
spawn mp_ctf_flag
spawn mp_ctf_marine_flag
spawn mp_ctf_strogg_flag
spawn mp_ctf_one_flag
spawn mp_ctf_flag_pole
spawn mp_ctf_flag_world
spawn mp_ctf_marine_flag_world
spawn mp_ctf_strogg_flag_world
spawn mp_icom
spawn [M] ~>ALL
spawn mpcpuintelplayerlimit
spawn mpcpuamdplayrtlimit
spawn [M] ~>Model
spawn model_player_failed_trasfer
spawn model_player_slimy_trasfer
spawn model_player_corpse
spawn model_player_marine_tech
spawn model_player_tactical_elite
spawn model_player_tactical_command
spawn model_player_marine
spawn model_player_marine_morris
spawn model_player_marine_voss
spawn model_player_marine_cortez
spawn model_player_marine_helmeted
spawn model_player_marine_medic
spawn model_player_marine_officer
spawn model_player_marine_fatigues
spawn model_player_marine_transfer
spawn model_player_tactical_trasfer
spawn model_player_kane_strogg
spawn [M] ~>Melee
spawn melle_monster_base
spawn melle_marine
spawn medic_vaccinegun
spawn monstereyestalk
spawn melee_berserker_new
spawn melee_berserker
spawn melee_berserker_mace
spawn melee_berserker_leap
spawn melee_berserker_popup_a
spawn melee_berserker_popup_b
spawn melee_berserker
spawn melee_bossbuddy
spawn melee_bossbuddy_swipe
spawn melee_bossbuddy_punch
spawn melee_failed_transfer
spawn melee_failed_transfer_light
spawn melee_gladiator
spawn melee_gladiator_left
spawn melee_shield
spawn melee_grunt
spawn melee_grunt_leap
spawn melee_gunner_right
spawn melee_gunner_left
spawn melee_htank
spawn melee_iron_maiden
spawn melee_makron_stab
spawn [M] ~>Mcc1
spawn mcc1_char_marine
spawn mcc1_char_marine_tech
spawn mcc1_char_marine_medic
spawn mcc1_char_marine_fatigues
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic
spawn mcc1_char_doctor
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic_harper
spawn mcc1_char_marine_officer
spawn mcc1_makron
spawn mcc1_monster_grunt
spawn mcc1_monster_strogg_marine
spawn mcc1_chair
spawn mcc1_tactical_station_mcc2
spawn mcc1_vehicle_bodytable
spawn mcc1_vehicle_medbed_patient
spawn mcc1_char_marine
spawn mcc1_char_marine_tech
spawn mcc1_char_marine_medic
spawn mcc1_char_marine_fatigues
spawn mcc1_char_marine_cinematic
spawn mcc1_char_doctor
spawn mcc1_marine_cinematic_harper
spawn mcc1_marine_officer
spawn [M] ~>Ammo
spawn ammo_machinegun
spawn ammo_nailgun
spawn ammo_shotgun
spawn ammo_hyperblaster
spawn ammo_rocketlauncher
spawn ammo_grenadelauncher
spawn ammo_lightninggun
spawn ammo_dmg
spawn ammo_machinegun_moveable
sapwn ammo_hyperblaster_moveable
spawn ammo_nailgun_moveable
spawn ammo_rocketlauncher_moveable
spawn ammo_grenadelauncher_moveable
spawn ammo_railgun_moveable
spawn ammo_shotgun_moveable
spawn ammo_lightninggun_moveable
spawn ammo_dmg_moveable
comandos [In]
in_joystick (enable joystick input)
in_mouse (ebable mouse input)
in_joystickleftstickmove (left or right controls move)
in_togglezoom (pressig _zoom on/off)
in_togglecrouch (pressing _movedown toggles player crouching/standing"
in_togglerun (pressing _speed button toggles run on/off - only in MP)
in_alwaysrun always run (reverse _speed button)
in_freelook look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button)
in_anglespeedkey (angle change scale when holding down _speed button)
in_pitchspeed (pitch change speed when holding down look_lookup or_lookdown button)
in_yawspeed (yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button)
comandos [Com]
combinecubelmages <baseName>
com_allowbadsavegamevercion (for debugging purposes only - so you can attempt to load savegames from a diff arent version - data may not match,may crash game)
com_lastquicksave is:"quick3" -default "quick0"
com_skiplevelloadpause is:"0" -default "0"
com_guid -default "#"
com_wipeseconds is:"1" -default "1"
com_avidemotics is:"2" -default "2"
com_avidemoheight is:"256" -default "256"
com_avidemowidth is:"256" -default "256"
com_avidemosamples is:"16" -default "16"
com_skipgamedraw is:"0" -default "0"
com_showdemo is:"0" -default "0"
com_syncgameframe is:"0" -default "0"
com_fixedtic is:"0" -default "0"
com_showtics is:"0" -default "0"
com_mintics is:"0" -default "0"
com_showangles is:"0" -default "0"
com_journal (1 = record journal,2 = play back journal)
com_preloaddemos (load the whole demo in to ram before running it)
comandos [F]
forceteamchange (MP ONLY) forces player to change teams. usage: forceteamchange <client number>
fadesoundclass usage: fadesoundclass <classnum> <dB>
freeze <seconds>
comandos [Fs]
fs_mappaks -default "0" (use level paks. only checks pak with the same name as the map)
fs_importpath -default "0" (rjohnson:fixme)
fs_searchaddons-default "0" search all addon pa4s (disables addon functionality)
fs_casesensitive0S is:"0" -default "0"
fs_game_base is:"" -default "" (alternate mod path,searched after the main fs_game path,beforce the basedir)
fs_game "" -default "" (mod path)
fs_depath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (este comando es para ubicar el juego como el ejemplo que puse)
fs_cdpath is"" -default ""
fs_savepath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (este comando guarda la ubicacion del juego)
fs_basepath is:"H:/quake4/q4" -default "" (es una variante igual a las otras dos se encargar de las ubicaciones)
fs_copyfiles is:"0" -default "0"
fs_debug is:"0" -default "0"
fs_restrict is:"0" -default ""
comandos [Fas]
fas_time0ffser (ms offset to the viseme frame)
fas_intensitybias (bias applied to the intensity of the phoneme when trying to extract the viseme)
fas_blendbias (multiplier to the per phoneme blend time)
fas_threshhold1 (intensity required to use frame set 1)
fas_threshhold0 (intensity required to use frame set 0)
fas_debug (debug info for facial animation system)
comandos [C]
call (usage: call <retkey> funcname <parm1> <parm2>...)
clientvoiceunmute (usage: clientvoiceunmute <player>)
clientvoicemute (usage: clientvoicemute <player>)
clientvoicechatt (only valid in multiplayer)
clientvoicechat (only valid in multiplayer)
clientcallvote (UTILITATION: clientcallvote <tipo> <valor> -> los tipos validos son: restart,timelimit,fraglimit,gametype,kick,map,spectators,nextmap,capturelimit.)
clientvote (UTILITATION: clientvote <yes,no>)
clientmessagemode (only valid in multiplayer)
clearlights (clearing all lights.)
collisionmodelinfo (you must be alive to use this command.)
checknewversion (failed to resolve master0:
connect (usage: connect <servername>)
combinecubelmages (usage combinecubeimages <basename> combines basename[1-6] [0001-9999].tga to basenameCM[0001-9999].tga 1:forward 2:right 3:back 4:left 5:up 6:down)
createCM <|.IWO>
crash (may only be used in developer mode)
condump (usage: condump <filename>)
clear (borra todo)
com_allowbadsavegamevercion (for debugging purposes only - so you can attempt to load savergames from a diff erent vercion - data may not match,may crash game)
com_guid is:"" -default ""
com_wipeseconds is:"1" -default "1"
comandos [b]
bsestats ~>processing 1136 registeres effects
1 segments in 2 loaded effects (1134 never referenced)
0.50 segments per effect
1.00 of segments have particles
1.00 particles per segment with particles
buildnotes -no map loaded!
blinkline -you must be alive to use this command.
bind -bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key
benchmark -no primaryview for benchmarking
bindunbindtwo - <keynum> [command]
comandos [bse]
bse_ratecost (rate cost multiplier for spawned effects
bse_ratelimit (rate limit for spawned effects
bse_maxparticles (max number of particles allowed per segment
bse_singleeffect (set to the name of the effect that is only played
bse_scale (effect scalability amount)
bse_debris (disable effect debris)
bse_physics (disable effect physics)
bse_showbounds (display debug bounding boxes effect)
bse_debug (display debug info about effect)
bse_render (disable effect rendering)
bse_enabled (set to false to disable all effects)
comandos [Win]
win_viewlog_ypos (vertical position of viewlog)
win_viewlog_xpos (horizontal position of viewlog)
win_enablefpuexceptions (enable FPU exceptions)
win_allowmultipleinstances (allow multiple instances running concurrently)
win_timerupdate (allows the game to be updated while dragging the window)
comandos [Image]
image_dontuseprecompressedskyboxesforCGW (temp hack in case)
image_writeprogramimages (copy program targas to compression directory)
image_downsizelimit (controls diffuse map downsample limit [0 = 64])
image_ignorehighquality (ignore high quality setting on materials)
image_downsizebumplimit (controls normal map downsample limit [0 = 64])
image_downsizespecularlimit (controls specular downsampled limit [0 = 64])
image_downsizebump (controls normal map downsampling)
image_downsizespecular (controls specular downsamplig)
image_showbackgroundloads (1 = print number of outstanding background loads)
image_usecache (1= do background load image caching)
image_cachemegs (maximun MB full-sized precompressed images to keep in memory)
image_cachemink (minimun KB of precompressed files to defer)
image_useofflinecompression (write a batch file for offline compression of DDS files)
image_writeTGA (write .tgas of the non normal maps for debugging)
image_writenormalTGA (write .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging)
image_writeprecompressedtextures (write .dds files if necessary)
image_useprecompressedtextures (use .dds files if present)
image_usenormalcompressionloadDDSforpal (1 = load dds files,and deswizzle them [only relevant for image_usenormalcompression = 1])
image_usenormalcompression (2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps,1 = use 256 color compression for no rmal maps if available)
image_useallformats (allow alpha/intensity/luminance/luminance+alpha)
image_usecompression (0 = force everything to high quality)
image_preload (if 0, wait until level end to load images)
image_colormiplevels (development aid to see texture mip usage)
image_downsize (controls texture downsampling)
image_lodbias (change lod bias on mipmapped images)
image_anisotropy (set the maximun texture anisotropy if available)
image_filter (changes texture filtering on mipmapped images)
imagestats (usage - imagestats <lo> <hi>)
comandos [si]
si_idleserver (game clients are idle)
si_version (engine version)
si_autobalance (maintain even teams)
si_shuffle (shuffle teams after each round)
si_spectators (allow spectators or require all clients to play)
si_usepass (enable client password checking)
si_warmup (do pre-game warmup)
si_teamdamage (enable team damage)
si_timelimit (time limit in minutes)
si_fraglimit (frag limit)
si_allowhitscantint (use hitscan tint. rail color 0 - no tinting allowed.
1 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and no hitscan tinting in team games.
2 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and use team-color hitscan tints in team games.
si_allowvoting (enable or disable server option voting)
si_useready (require players to ready before starting a match)
si_tourneylimit (number of times a tourney will be run before cycling maps)
si_capturelimit (score limit for CTF)
si_minplayers (min number of players to start a game [only when warmup is enabled])
si_maxplayers (max number of players allowed on the server)
si_mapcycle (map cycle list semicolon delimited)
si_map (map to be played next on server)
si_gametype (game type - singleplayer,DM,TEAM DM,CTF,Arena CTF,or tourney)
si_name (name of the server)
si_weaponstay (cannot pick up weapons you already have [get no ammo from them])
si_countdown (pregame countdown in seconds)
si_entityfilter (filter to use when spawning entities)
si_pure (server is pure and does not allow modified data)
comandos [Cl]
cl_showentityinfo# 1 para abilitar y 0 para desabilitar
cl_punkbuster# 1 para abilitar y 0 para desabilitar (is client side punkbuster enabled?)
comando [sv]
sv_punkbuster 0
sv_punkbuster 1
comandos [A] ~>Ai
ai_playerpushalways (always allow player to push buddies, unlees scripted)
ai_debugeyefocus (draws eye focus info)
ai_allowoldaas (allows al to use most recent aas file,even if it is not up-to-date.enable on ly for testing.)
ai_useRVMastermove (changes al to use new master move function)
ai_disablecover (disables al using cover points)
ai_disablesimplethink (disables simple thinkking in al entities)
ai_disableattacks (disables attack decisions)
ai_disableenttactical (disables tactical points around entities)
ai_allowtacticalrush (allows tactical ai to rush an enemy when hurt)
ai_debugstealth (draws suspicion info for enemies)
ai_deungsquad (draws squad info for allies)
ai_blockedfailsafe (enable blocked fail safe handling)
ai_show0bstacleavoidance (draws obstacle avoidance information for monsters. if 2, draws obstacles for player, as well)
ai_showpaths (draws path_* entities)
ai_showcombatnodes (draws attack cones for monsters)
ai_debugfilterstring (see ai_debugfilter)
ai_debughelpers (draws ai helpers)
ai_debugtactical (draws tactical information for monsters)
ai_debugtrajectory (draws trajectory tests for monster)
ai_debugmove (draws movement information for monsters)
ai_debugscript (displays script calls for the specified monster entity number)
comandos [PM]
pm_vehiclecamerascalemax is:"300" default:"300"
pm_vehiclecameraspeedscale is:"0.5" default "0.5"
pm_vehiclecameramindist is:"300" default "300"
pm_vehiclecamerasnap is:"1" default "1"
pm_forcespectatormove (force the player to move like a spectator [fly])
pm_frictionoverride (adjust the player friciton.)
pm_acceloverride (adjust the player acceleration)
pm_air (howlong in milliseconds the player can go without air beforce he starts taking damege)
pm_movelview (draws camera from POV of player model [1 = always,2 = when dead])
pm_thirdpersondeath (enables third person view when player dies)
pm_thirdperson (enables third person view)
pm_thirdpersonclip (clip third person view into world space)
pm_thirdpersonangle (direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees [0 = behind player,180 = in front])
pm_thirdpersonheight (height of camera from normal view height in 3rd person)
pm_thirdpersonrange (camera distance from player in 3rd person)
pm_runbob (bob faster when running)
pm_walkbob (bob slowly when walking)
comandos [Server]
// Server
seta si_name "GameType Revolution 0.17b | P.R. 1.3" // NAME OF YOUR SERVER
seta si_pure "1" // ALWAYS USE PURE SERVERS
seta si_gameType "G DM"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm1"
seta si_mapCycle "mp/q4dm1;mp/q4dm2" // EXAMPLE MAPCYCLE
seta net_serverAllowServerMod "1" // ALLOWING MOD
seta net_serverClientTimeout "40"
seta net_serverDedicated "1"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "25600" // MAXIMAL RATE OF A PLAYERS, LEAVE THIS AT VALUE 25600
seta net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay "5"
seta net_serverZombieTimeout "5"
seta net_allowCheats "0" // DON'T ALLOW CHEATS
seta net_serverReloadEngine "0" // DON'T RELOAD ENGINE EVERYTIME
seta sv_punkbuster "1" // PUNKBUSTER ENABLED
// Passwords
seta g_password "" // DEFINE YOUR SERVER PASSWORD
seta net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "" // SET YOUR RCON PASSWORD HERE
// Private Slots
seta g_privatePassword "" // DEFINE A PASSWORD for private slots
// GTR
seta si_scoreBotRefreshRate "10"
seta si_gamemode "gtr"
seta match_timeoutLength "300"
seta net_serverRefereePassword "" // YOUR REFEREE PASSWORD
// Autodownload
seta net_serverDownload "2"
seta net_serverDlBaseURL "" // YOUR URL USING HTTP
seta net_serverDlTable "q4base/cc_brightskins_01.pk4;q4base/cc_weapskins_01.pk4;gtr/map_midairX.pk4;gtr/z-pak-016.pk4;gtr/z-game-linux32-016.pk4;gtr/z-game-win32-016.pk4;" // PATH TO THE FILES AVAILABLE ON THE AUTODOWNLOAD SERVER
// Masterservers
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
// Logging
seta g_log "0"
seta logFileName "" // NAME OF YOUR LOGFILE
// Spawn
comandos [Quake4Config.cfg]
// allow console
seta com_allowconsole 1
// userinfos:
seta ui_name "AÞøçälïÞsïZ"
seta ui_clan "-K|a|L|a|K|a|Z-"
seta ui_model "model_player_marine"
seta ui_skin "base"
seta ui_showGun "1"
seta ui_autoReload "1"
seta ui_autoSwitch "0"
seta ui_hitscanTint "240 0.6 1"
seta ui_model_strogg "model_player_kane_strogg"
seta ui_model_marine ""
// clientsettings
seta cl_autoAction "0"
seta cl_blood "1"
seta cl_gibs "0"
seta cl_viewBobbing "0"
seta cl_grenadeTrail "1"
seta cl_nailTrail "1"
seta cl_rocketTrail "1"
seta cl_tinyRailTrail "1"
seta cl_enemyColorLegs "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorTorso "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorArms "00ff00"
seta cl_enemyColorIntensity "1"
seta cl_teamColorLegs "0000ff"
seta cl_teamColorTorso "ffffff"
seta cl_teamColorArms "ff0000"
seta cl_teamColorIntensity "1"
seta cl_teamForceColors "7"
seta cl_weaponConfig10 "-1 -1 -1 15 32 ff7722"
seta cl_weaponConfig9 "-1 -1 -1 9 24 c433ff"
seta cl_weaponConfig8 "-1 -1 -1 8 24 ffff99"
seta cl_weaponConfig7 "-1 -1 -1 7 24 00ff00"
seta cl_weaponConfig6 "-1 -1 -1 6 24 ff0000"
seta cl_weaponConfig5 "-1 -1 -1 5 24 99cccc"
seta cl_weaponConfig4 "-1 -1 -1 4 24 338f12"
seta cl_weaponConfig3 "-1 -1 -1 3 24 0073ff"
seta cl_weaponConfig2 "-1 -1 -1 2 24 ff8c00"
seta cl_weaponConfig1 "-1 -1 -1 1 24 ffff00"
seta cl_weaponConfig0 "-1 -1 -1 13 32 0088ff"
seta cl_weaponConfigs "0"
seta cl_useScreenShotJPEG "0"
seta cl_editMapLocations "0"
seta cl_weaponBobbing "0"
// huds:
seta hud_lagometerPosition "10 380"
seta hud_drawTeamOverlay "1"
seta hud_teamOverlayDrawSelf "1"
seta hud_showTeamHealth "1"
seta hud_drawTimer "2"
seta hud_teamOverlayAlpha "1 0.5"
seta hud_showSpeed "0"
seta hud_showJumps "0"
seta hud_ammoBar "0"
seta hud_ammoColor "1"
seta hud_ammoVisible "1"
seta hud_weaponHighlight "0"
seta hud_weaponSwitch "3"
seta hud_weaponVisible "1"
seta hud_barStyle "0"
// serverinfos:
seta si_numPlayers "4"
seta si_fragLimit "15"
seta si_timeLimit "0"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm1"
seta si_gameType ""
seta si_voiceChat "0"
seta si_serverURL ""
seta si_autobalance "0"
seta si_shuffle "0"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_usePass "0"
seta si_warmup "1"
seta si_teamDamage "0"
seta si_suddenDeathRestart "1"
seta si_privatePlayers "0"
seta si_allowHitscanTint "2"
seta si_allowVoting "1"
seta si_useReady "1"
seta si_tourneyLimit "3"
seta si_captureLimit "5"
seta si_minPlayers "1"
seta si_maxPlayers "12"
seta si_mapCycle ""
seta si_name "IMMORTALZ NEVER DIE"
seta si_autoAction ""
seta si_freeModels "0"
seta si_scoreBotRefreshRate "10"
seta si_scoreBotSupport "1"
seta si_roundLimit "7"
// game settings:
seta g_privatePassword ""
seta g_friendsList ""
seta g_favoritesList ""
seta g_showHudPopups "0"
seta g_announcerDelay "1000"
seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"
seta g_gameReviewPause "15"
seta g_password ""
seta g_gunViewStyle "0"
seta g_crosshairCustomFile "gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_q3_8.tga"
seta g_crosshairCustom "1"
seta g_crosshairColor "1 0 0 1"
seta g_crosshairSize "40"
seta g_brassTime "1"
seta g_showProjectilePct "0"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_simpleItems "0"
seta g_skipItemShadowsMP "1"
seta g_skipPlayerShadowsMP "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale "10"
seta pm_vehicleCameraScaleMax "300"
seta pm_vehicleCameraSpeedScale "0.5"
seta pm_vehicleCameraMinDist "300"
seta pm_vehicleCameraSnap "1"
seta pm_zoomedSlow "100"
seta g_editEntityTextDistance "256"
seta g_editEntityDistance "512"
seta g_showcamerainfo "0"
seta g_healthTakeLimit "25"
seta g_healthTakeAmt "5"
seta g_healthTakeTime "5"
seta g_useDynamicProtection "1"
seta g_armorProtectionMP "0.66667"
seta g_armorProtection "0.66667"
seta g_nightmare "0"
seta g_decals "1"
seta g_doubleVision "0"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
seta g_forceMarineModel "model_player_marine_helmeted_bright"
seta g_forceStroggModel "model_player_tactical_transfer_bright"
seta g_forceModel "model_player_marine_helmeted_bright"
seta g_spectatorChat "1"
seta g_fov "100"
seta g_gunZ "0"
seta g_gunY "0"
seta g_gunX "0"
// mouse input:
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_accel "0"
seta sensitivity "5"
// general input
seta in_joystickLeftStickMove "1"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_alwaysRun "1"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140
// network:
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_httpProxyMode "1"
seta net_httpProxy ""
seta net_reportUsageStatistics "0"
seta net_clientDownload "1"
seta net_serverAllowServerMod "0"
seta net_LANServer "0"
seta net_menuLANServer "1"
seta net_master4 ""
seta net_master3 ""
seta net_master2 ""
seta net_master1 ""
seta net_clientMaxRate "16000"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "25000"
seta net_serverMenuDedicated "0"
seta net_serverDlTable ""
seta net_serverDlBaseURL ""
seta net_serverDownload "0"
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1"
seta net_serverRefereePassword ""
seta sv_punkbuster "0"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
// sound:
seta s_useDeferredSettings "1"
seta s_minStereo "8"
seta s_deviceName "NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio"
seta s_useEAXOcclusion "0"
seta s_useEAXReverb "0"
seta s_useOpenAL "0"
seta s_voiceVolume "1.0"
seta s_voiceLatency "100"
seta s_micInputLevel "6"
seta s_voiceChatEcho "0"
seta s_voiceChatReceive "1"
seta s_voiceChatSend "1"
seta s_radioChatterFraction "0.9"
seta s_speakerFraction "0.65"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_subFraction "0.5"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_spatializationDecay "2"
seta s_maxChannelsMixed "16"
seta s_musicVolume "0"
seta s_decompressionLimit "2"
seta s_globalFraction "0.8"
seta s_playDefaultSound "1"
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0"
seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150"
seta s_volume "1"
seta s_altHitsounds "1"
// renderer:
seta r_strictResolutionMatch "1"
seta r_debugArrowStep "120"
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0"
seta r_forceLoadImages "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_useSMP "0"
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_renderer "best"
seta r_brightness "2"
seta r_gamma "1.3"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"
seta r_customHeight "486"
seta r_customWidth "720"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_displayRefresh ""
seta r_mode "7"
seta r_aspectRatio "0"
seta r_alphaToCoverage "1"
seta r_multiSamples "4"
seta r_skipWorldFX ""
seta r_forceAmbient "0"
// image:
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "100"
seta image_cacheMinK "30"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompressionLoadDDSForPal "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "4"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta bse_rateCost "1.0"
seta bse_rateLimit "1.0"
seta bse_scale "1"
seta gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60"
seta gui_smallFontLimit "0.30"
seta win_viewlog_update_count "10"
seta win_viewlog_ypos "0"
seta win_viewlog_xpos "0"
seta win_ypos "22"
seta win_xpos "3"
seta demo_enforceFS "0"
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
seta com_lastQuicksave "Quick0"
seta com_skipLevelLoadPause "0"
seta com_preloadDemos "0"
seta com_compressDemos "1"
seta com_videoRam "256"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta com_purgeAll "0"
seta com_machineSpec "2"
seta sys_lang "english"
seta pm_bobroll "0.002"
seta pm_bobpitch "0.002"
seta pm_bobup "0.005"
seta pm_runroll "0.005"
seta pm_runpitch "0.002"
seta pm_runbob "0.4"
seta pm_walkbob "0.3"
seta pm_crouchbob "0.5"
seta match_overtimeCount "0"
seta match_overtimeLength "5"
seta match_overtime "1"
seta match_timeoutCount "3"
seta match_timeoutLength "60"
seta si_gamemode ""
seta g_onlyArmorTD "0"
seta g_firstPUrandomSpawn "0"
seta match_selfDamage "1"
seta match_fallingDamage "1"
seta g_maxRespawnTime "10"
seta g_altMinRespawnLimit "0"
seta match_respawnOnSD "1"
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°3
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
una cosa esto funciona en la vercion q4max
to turn the famous skins in q4 can use the following commands:
cg_forcemodels 1r
cg_forcecolors 1r
model to define the enemy can use a range of options that the game brings:
cg_enemymodel model_player_tactical_transferr
cg_teammodel model_player_marine_helmetedr
for the enemy's colors using the RGB format by defining three values based on this table
cg_enemycolor 255 0 (green)
cg_teamcolor 255 255 0 (yellow)
to activate the hud (heads-up display or indicating vidaarmorammo) only one command with three options for this patch:
hud_style cpmhud1r
hud_style cpmhud5r
hud_style opshud5r
these commands are available for the mod from version 0.71 q4max
Here is a list of useful varial:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
to turn the famous skins in q4 can use the following commands:
cg_forcemodels 1r
cg_forcecolors 1r
model to define the enemy can use a range of options that the game brings:
cg_enemymodel model_player_tactical_transferr
cg_teammodel model_player_marine_helmetedr
for the enemy's colors using the RGB format by defining three values based on this table
cg_enemycolor 255 0 (green)
cg_teamcolor 255 255 0 (yellow)
to activate the hud (heads-up display or indicating vidaarmorammo) only one command with three options for this patch:
hud_style cpmhud1r
hud_style cpmhud5r
hud_style opshud5r
these commands are available for the mod from version 0.71 q4max
Here is a list of useful varial:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°4
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
to open the cheat console precionas [ctrl] + [alt ]+[º]
introduse the following commands:
recommendation 1 to enable and 0 to disable
cheat -> [monster]
spawn monster_berserker
spawn monster_bossbuddy
spawn monster_convoy_ground
spawn monster_convoy_hover
spawn monster_default
spawn monster_failed_transfer
spawn monster_failed_transfer_torso
spawn monster_fatty
spawn monster_gladiator
spawn monster_gladiator_shield
spawn monster_grunt
spawn monster_gunner
spawn monster_gunner_grenade_only
spawn monster_gunner_long_distance
spawn monster_harvester
spawn monster_harvester_combat
spawn monster_hh_tank
spawn monster_big_hh_tank
spawn monster_big_hh_tank_convoy
spawn monster_big_hh_tank_convoy2
spawn monster_iron_maiden
spawn monster_it_tank
spawn monster_makron
spawn monster_makron_legs
spawn monster_makron_jr
spawn monster_network_guardian
spawn monster_network_guardian_process
spawn monster_repair_bot
spawn monster_scientist
spawn monster_sentry
spawn monster_slimy_transfer
spawn monster_stream_protector
spawn monster_strogg_fighter
spawn monster_strogg_flyer
spawn monster_strogg_hover
spawn monster_strogg_hover_weak
spawn monster_marine_base
spawn monster_marine
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun
spawn monster_strogg_marine_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_sgun_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_long_distance
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_long_distance
spawn monster_tactical_base
spawn monster_tactical
spawn monster_tactical_mgun
spawn monster_tactical_blaster
spawn monster_tactical_railgun
spawn monster_tactical_unarmed
spawn monster_teleport_dropper
spawn monster_turret
spawn monster_turret_small
spawn monster_turret_bunker
spawn monster_turret_flying
spawn monster_turret_rocket
spawn monster_harvester_ad
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_core
spawn monster_strogg_flyer_tram1b
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_driver
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_gunner
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_blaster
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_mgun
spawn monster_eyestalk
cheat -> [powerup]
spawn powerup_quad_damage
spawn powerup_haste
spawn powerup_regeneration
spawn powerup_invisibility
spawn powerup_guard
spawn powerup_doubler
spawn powerup_ammoregen
spawn powerup_scout
cheat -> [give]
give scout
give doubler
give guard
give ammoregen
give haste
give quad
give invis
give regeneration
cheat -> [char]
spawn character_tube_marine_aftest
spawn char_doctoc
spawn char_strogg_unarmed
spawn char_kane_strogg
spawn char_marine_base
spawn char_marine_combat
spawn char_marine_unarmed
spawn char_marine
spawn char_marine_shotgun
spawn char_marine_hyperblaster
spawn char_marine_choppable
spawn char_marine_arm_left
spawn char_marine_arm_right
spawn char_marine_leg_left
spawn char_marine_leg_right
spawn char_marine_fatigues
spawn char_marine_medic_extras
spawn char_marine_medic
spawn char_marine_medic_armed
spawn char_marine_naked
spawn char_officer_unarmed
spawn char_marine_officer
spawn char_marine_prisoner_unarmed
spawn char_marine_prisoner
spawn char_marine_tech_extras
spawn char_marine_tech
spawn char_marine_tech_armed
spawn char_marinehead_default
spawn char_marinehead_kane
spawn char_marinehead_kane_mp
spawn char_marinehead_rhodes
spawn char_marinehead_morris
spawn char_marinehead_morris_mp
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_2
spawn char_marinehead_gen_african_american
spawn char_marinehead_gen_african_american_2
spawn char_marinehead_general_harper
spawn char_marinehead_general_harper_mp
spawn char_marinehead_sledge
spawn char_marinehead_helmet
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_mp
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_madic
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_tech
spawn char_marinehead_voss
spawn char_marinehead_voss_mp
spawn char_marinehead_voss_strogg
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian_2
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian_3
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_3
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_4
spawn char_marinehead_strassa
spawn char_marinehead_strassa_mp
spawn char_marinehead_bidwell
spawn char_marinehead_bidwell
spawn char_marinehead_cortez
spawn char_marinehead_cortez_mp
spawn char_marinehead_anderson
spawn char_marinehead_anderson_mp
spawn char_marinehead_doctor_masked
spawn char_marinehead_half
spawn char_marinehead_shot
spawn char_marinehead_kane2
spawn char_marinehead_kane_mp
spawn char_marinehead_kanestrg
spawn char_marinehead_kanestrg_mp
spawn char_marinehead_npc_cortez_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_ripkey_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_judkins_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_bidwell_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_voss_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_rhodes_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_miller_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_morris_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_metcalf_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_anderson_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_kane_core
spawn char_marine_npc_morris_core
spawn char_marine_npc_strauss_core
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_core
spawn char_marine_npc_rhodes_core
spawn char_marine_cortes_core
spawn char_marine_npc_harper_core
spawn char_marine_npc_officer_core
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process1
spawn char_marine_tramcar_process1_cortez
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process2
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process3
spawn char_marine_npc_cobrasquad_door
spawn char_marine_npc_sasaki_recomp
spawn char_marine_npc_ mills_storage2
spawn char_marine_npc_rutger_storage2
spawn char_marine_npc_tramcar_lybeck
spawn char_marine_npc_cortez_tram1
spawn char_marine_tramcar_cortez
spawn char_marine_tramcar
spawn char_marine_puccini
spawn char_marine_malgar
spawn char_marine_elgar
cheat -> [t]
timescale #
cheat -> [g]
gui_debugscript #
g_brasstime #
other commands:
god: god mode.
Give ammo: ammo.
give all Weapons: all the weapons.
give all: all weapons with ammunition, and armor and life to the fullest.
gfxinfo: graphic card information.
com_showfps #: 1 to display the frames per second on screen, 0 to disconnect
TestLight: create a point of light.
poplight: Disable "TestLight."
pm_jumpheight #: indicates the maximum height jumping
pm_noclipspeed #: indicates how quickly you can move in noclip mode
pm_speed #: enter your running speed
pm_crouchspeed #: indicates the speed to duck
pm_thirdperson #: 1 turns third-person mode, 0 disables it
g_stoptime #: set to 1 to stop time (can only move around) and 0 to restart time
g_knockback #: set to 0 to keep monster Attacks from knocking you around
killmonsters: removes all monsters in level.
notarget: invisibility
noclip: enables the ability to fly and pass through objects.
com_allowconsole 1: to open and close the console with ~
Publisher: closes the game and open the editor.
avidemo: record heading into a movie in avi format.
g_showplayershadow #: 1 shows the shadows, 0 delete them.
kill: suicide.
char_marine_tech_armed spawn and summoned to an engineer who can repair your armor.
char_marine_medic spawn and summoned a doctor to help you.
spawn char_marine: summons a marine who will help you fight.
Give weapon_dmg: dark matter gun with ammunition.
Give weapon_railgun: railgun ammunition.
Give weapon_lightninggun: lightning gun with ammunition.
Give weapon_grenadelauncher: grenade launcher ammunition.
Give weapon_nailgun: nailgun ammo.
Give weapon_rocketlauncher: rocket launcher ammunition.
Give weapon_hyperblaster: Hyperblaster with ammunition.
Give weapon_shotgun: shotgun ammo.
Give weapon_machinegun: machinegun with ammunition.
Give Weapons: All weapons with ammunition.
Give item_health_mega: life up to 200
Give armor: armor to the maximum.
Give health: life to the fullest.
quit: quit the game.
xy screenshot: replace x and y screen resolutions format 4
Give quad: Multiply by 4 the damage of your weapons
timescale 15: speeds up the game.
timescale 1: normal play speed.
clear: exit the console.
modview: lance modeler views.
savegame: save the game.
screenshotjpeg: record screen jpeg.
undying: immortality.
introduse the following commands:
recommendation 1 to enable and 0 to disable
cheat -> [monster]
spawn monster_berserker
spawn monster_bossbuddy
spawn monster_convoy_ground
spawn monster_convoy_hover
spawn monster_default
spawn monster_failed_transfer
spawn monster_failed_transfer_torso
spawn monster_fatty
spawn monster_gladiator
spawn monster_gladiator_shield
spawn monster_grunt
spawn monster_gunner
spawn monster_gunner_grenade_only
spawn monster_gunner_long_distance
spawn monster_harvester
spawn monster_harvester_combat
spawn monster_hh_tank
spawn monster_big_hh_tank
spawn monster_big_hh_tank_convoy
spawn monster_big_hh_tank_convoy2
spawn monster_iron_maiden
spawn monster_it_tank
spawn monster_makron
spawn monster_makron_legs
spawn monster_makron_jr
spawn monster_network_guardian
spawn monster_network_guardian_process
spawn monster_repair_bot
spawn monster_scientist
spawn monster_sentry
spawn monster_slimy_transfer
spawn monster_stream_protector
spawn monster_strogg_fighter
spawn monster_strogg_flyer
spawn monster_strogg_hover
spawn monster_strogg_hover_weak
spawn monster_marine_base
spawn monster_marine
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun
spawn monster_strogg_marine_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_sgun_convoy
spawn monster_strogg_marine_long_distance
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_long_distance
spawn monster_tactical_base
spawn monster_tactical
spawn monster_tactical_mgun
spawn monster_tactical_blaster
spawn monster_tactical_railgun
spawn monster_tactical_unarmed
spawn monster_teleport_dropper
spawn monster_turret
spawn monster_turret_small
spawn monster_turret_bunker
spawn monster_turret_flying
spawn monster_turret_rocket
spawn monster_harvester_ad
spawn monster_strogg_marine_mgun_core
spawn monster_strogg_flyer_tram1b
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_driver
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_gunner
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_blaster
spawn monster_strogg_tramcar_mgun
spawn monster_eyestalk
cheat -> [powerup]
spawn powerup_quad_damage
spawn powerup_haste
spawn powerup_regeneration
spawn powerup_invisibility
spawn powerup_guard
spawn powerup_doubler
spawn powerup_ammoregen
spawn powerup_scout
cheat -> [give]
give scout
give doubler
give guard
give ammoregen
give haste
give quad
give invis
give regeneration
cheat -> [char]
spawn character_tube_marine_aftest
spawn char_doctoc
spawn char_strogg_unarmed
spawn char_kane_strogg
spawn char_marine_base
spawn char_marine_combat
spawn char_marine_unarmed
spawn char_marine
spawn char_marine_shotgun
spawn char_marine_hyperblaster
spawn char_marine_choppable
spawn char_marine_arm_left
spawn char_marine_arm_right
spawn char_marine_leg_left
spawn char_marine_leg_right
spawn char_marine_fatigues
spawn char_marine_medic_extras
spawn char_marine_medic
spawn char_marine_medic_armed
spawn char_marine_naked
spawn char_officer_unarmed
spawn char_marine_officer
spawn char_marine_prisoner_unarmed
spawn char_marine_prisoner
spawn char_marine_tech_extras
spawn char_marine_tech
spawn char_marine_tech_armed
spawn char_marinehead_default
spawn char_marinehead_kane
spawn char_marinehead_kane_mp
spawn char_marinehead_rhodes
spawn char_marinehead_morris
spawn char_marinehead_morris_mp
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_2
spawn char_marinehead_gen_african_american
spawn char_marinehead_gen_african_american_2
spawn char_marinehead_general_harper
spawn char_marinehead_general_harper_mp
spawn char_marinehead_sledge
spawn char_marinehead_helmet
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_mp
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_madic
spawn char_marinehead_helmet_tech
spawn char_marinehead_voss
spawn char_marinehead_voss_mp
spawn char_marinehead_voss_strogg
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian_2
spawn char_marinehead_gen_asian_3
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_3
spawn char_marinehead_gen_white_4
spawn char_marinehead_strassa
spawn char_marinehead_strassa_mp
spawn char_marinehead_bidwell
spawn char_marinehead_bidwell
spawn char_marinehead_cortez
spawn char_marinehead_cortez_mp
spawn char_marinehead_anderson
spawn char_marinehead_anderson_mp
spawn char_marinehead_doctor_masked
spawn char_marinehead_half
spawn char_marinehead_shot
spawn char_marinehead_kane2
spawn char_marinehead_kane_mp
spawn char_marinehead_kanestrg
spawn char_marinehead_kanestrg_mp
spawn char_marinehead_npc_cortez_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_ripkey_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_judkins_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_bidwell_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_voss_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_rhodes_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_miller_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_morris_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_metcalf_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_anderson_airdefense
spawn char_marine_npc_kane_core
spawn char_marine_npc_morris_core
spawn char_marine_npc_strauss_core
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_core
spawn char_marine_npc_rhodes_core
spawn char_marine_cortes_core
spawn char_marine_npc_harper_core
spawn char_marine_npc_officer_core
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process1
spawn char_marine_tramcar_process1_cortez
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process2
spawn char_marine_npc_sledge_process3
spawn char_marine_npc_cobrasquad_door
spawn char_marine_npc_sasaki_recomp
spawn char_marine_npc_ mills_storage2
spawn char_marine_npc_rutger_storage2
spawn char_marine_npc_tramcar_lybeck
spawn char_marine_npc_cortez_tram1
spawn char_marine_tramcar_cortez
spawn char_marine_tramcar
spawn char_marine_puccini
spawn char_marine_malgar
spawn char_marine_elgar
cheat -> [t]
timescale #
cheat -> [g]
gui_debugscript #
g_brasstime #
other commands:
god: god mode.
Give ammo: ammo.
give all Weapons: all the weapons.
give all: all weapons with ammunition, and armor and life to the fullest.
gfxinfo: graphic card information.
com_showfps #: 1 to display the frames per second on screen, 0 to disconnect
TestLight: create a point of light.
poplight: Disable "TestLight."
pm_jumpheight #: indicates the maximum height jumping
pm_noclipspeed #: indicates how quickly you can move in noclip mode
pm_speed #: enter your running speed
pm_crouchspeed #: indicates the speed to duck
pm_thirdperson #: 1 turns third-person mode, 0 disables it
g_stoptime #: set to 1 to stop time (can only move around) and 0 to restart time
g_knockback #: set to 0 to keep monster Attacks from knocking you around
killmonsters: removes all monsters in level.
notarget: invisibility
noclip: enables the ability to fly and pass through objects.
com_allowconsole 1: to open and close the console with ~
Publisher: closes the game and open the editor.
avidemo: record heading into a movie in avi format.
g_showplayershadow #: 1 shows the shadows, 0 delete them.
kill: suicide.
char_marine_tech_armed spawn and summoned to an engineer who can repair your armor.
char_marine_medic spawn and summoned a doctor to help you.
spawn char_marine: summons a marine who will help you fight.
Give weapon_dmg: dark matter gun with ammunition.
Give weapon_railgun: railgun ammunition.
Give weapon_lightninggun: lightning gun with ammunition.
Give weapon_grenadelauncher: grenade launcher ammunition.
Give weapon_nailgun: nailgun ammo.
Give weapon_rocketlauncher: rocket launcher ammunition.
Give weapon_hyperblaster: Hyperblaster with ammunition.
Give weapon_shotgun: shotgun ammo.
Give weapon_machinegun: machinegun with ammunition.
Give Weapons: All weapons with ammunition.
Give item_health_mega: life up to 200
Give armor: armor to the maximum.
Give health: life to the fullest.
quit: quit the game.
xy screenshot: replace x and y screen resolutions format 4
Give quad: Multiply by 4 the damage of your weapons
timescale 15: speeds up the game.
timescale 1: normal play speed.
clear: exit the console.
modview: lance modeler views.
savegame: save the game.
screenshotjpeg: record screen jpeg.
undying: immortality.
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°5
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
before starting.
iv quake has the Doom III graphics engine, so many commands and options will be common to both games.
the first thing you do is a copy of the configuration file, quake4config.cfg that is in the folder where you installed there q4base the game, this will avoid problems later. can also restore the default configuration file by removing only quake4config.cfg, the game will generate a new one.
1 .- console
2 .- our own configuration file (the config)
3 .- syntax
4 .- performance settings
5 .- nick coloring
6 .- removes the player's movement while walking, balancing
7 .- several variables varied
8 .- actions assigned to keys (bindeables)
1 .- console.
iv quake console will serve to cover all types of commands and configuration commands to the game.
to enter the console, simply press "ctrl + alt + ~" key "~" is the one above the tab (to 1).
This key combination is often horrible to use, let's change it to open the console just by pressing "~"
* Modify the shortcut to the game:
instead of "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe"
will "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe" + set com_allowconsole 1
we can avoid leaving three introductions entering the game (id Software, Raven Software and Activision), modifying the shortcut:
* Modify the shortcut to the game:
instead of "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe"
will "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe" 1 + + set disconnect com_allowconsole
to record all the text in the console in a text file by typing 'condump nombre_del_fichero.txt'.
2 .- our own configuration file (the config)
entering the game, he charged, if any, a file called 'autoexec.cfg' There we put our commands to load automatically upon entering, if we keep our settings in another file, eg 'dide.cfg' we write on the console "exec dide.cfg 'or write in the' autoexec.cfg '.
configuration file will be executed sequentially, that is, if we have the same command twice with different values, the latter shall prevail and they will overwrite the first value.
We will see some basic commands.
3 .- syntax
to write comments using the following syntax:
the two bars will show the game
not interpret what comes next
which is a commentary by the author to provide
subsequent reading or editing, comments
are very important, a programmer tells you:)
to assign a key to a particular action, use the command 'bind' followed by the pound and the command to be executed:
m o v i m i e n t o
bind "w" "_forward" advance
bind "a" "_moveleft"
bind "s" "_back" back
bind "d" "_moveright"
bind "space" "_speed" caminarcorrer
We shall see all movement commands and others, now only interested in the syntax.
other commands that are not allocations are prefixed with "set" or "mushroom" (this store), there are 5 numbers, but so far only using 'set' and we will store it in your configuration file.
to show the number of frames per second (fps) that is able to process your computer will use the following command:
September com_showfps "1?
default and like the game Doom III is limited to 60 fps, to override the limitation of fps add the following command:
September com_fixedtic "-1?
This command does not improve the performance of your computer but it serves to get started:), the default value is "0?.
4 .- performance settings
September image_useCache "1? active options.
September image_cachemegs "128? cache size of compressed images, 128 for 512mb of system ram to 1GB 196-256
image_cachemink September "2048? This need to put the game does not crash.
and more:
September image_downsizespecular "1? the decrease of active textures for some types of glare, useful if your graph has less than 256mb of ram.
September image_downsizebump "1? toggles the size of the textures for maps 'dump' for graphic
September image_downsize "1? toggles the size of the textures, for graphics
September image_downsizespecularlimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
September image_downsizebumplimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
September image_downsizelimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx. 512 for 128mb gfx. 256 for 64mb
September image_lodbias "0.2? 0 by default, level of detail to arms.
other interesting graphics options:
September g_muzzleflash "0? rendered or not the flash of shooting, defaults to 0
September g_brasstime "0? to show the cartridges when you shoot.
September g_projectilelights "0? remove the missiles lights
September g_skipitemshadowsmp "0? eliminates the shadows of the items, multiplayer Siol
September g_skipplayershadowsmp "0? eliminates the shadows of the players, multiplayer only.
September g_showplayershadow "0? eliminates the shadows of the players, single player
September g_skipvieweffects "0? eliminates some special effects.
brightness and gamma:
September r_brightness "1.4? brightness, default 1.2
September r_gamma "1.5? gamma defaults to 1
5 .- nick coloring
example: ^ ^ 3e = Dide 1did
^ 1 red
^ 2 green
^ 3 yellow
^ 4 blue
Blue ^ 5
^ 6 pink
^ 7 white
^ 8 gray
6 .- removes the player's movement while walking, balancing
September pm_runbob "0? 0.4 default
September pm_runpitch "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_runroll "0? defaults to 0005
September pm_walkbob "0? 0.3 default
September pm_bobpitch "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_bobroll "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_bobup "0? defaults to 0005
September pm_crouchbob "0? 0.5 default
7 .- .- varied several variables:)
Here is a list of useful variables:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity 8 (I am very sensitive:)
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
8 .- actions assigned to keys (bindeables)
Action description
_attack shooting
_zoom activate zoom
ammunition reloading _impulse13
_impulse14 previous weapon
_impulse15 next weapon
activardesactivar _impulse50 flashlight
_impulse0 glove
_impulse1 cut
_impulse2 machine gun
Hyperblaster _impulse3
_impulse4 grenades
plasma _impulse5
bazoca _impulse6
railgun _impulse7
_impulse8 ray
BFG _impulse9
control character
_forward advance
Back _back
skip _moveup
Crouch _movedown
correrandar _speed
_voicechat voice chat
clientmessagemode global message
clientmessagemode a group message
emote salute gesture
gesture emote cheer
gesture taunt emote
grab_a gesture emote
interface control
togglemenu menu
toggleconsole console
_impulse19 score goals
_ingamestats multiplayer statistics
pause pause the game
_impulse28 vote if
_impulse29 vote no
_impulse17 prepared
_impulse20 change teams
_impulse21 viewer change room
_impulse22 viewing,
Quick Save savegame quick starting
loadgame starting quick fast charge
suicide kill -1
reconnect reconnect
disconnect switch
exit out of the game
screenshot screenshot in tga
screenshotjpg screenshot in jpg
another little help ...
Courtesy of:
wolf for newbies
wolf for newbies - cvars link
cvars (variables console)
A table of cvars with some notes on where they are used, what values can be taken and a brief description if I know. I also added some notes the variables that you can "trick" to improve your framerate. values are binary, ie 0 or 1, can be defined as switches, to give you the ability to change its value quickly from one state to another. other cvars with a range of values can be configured using a cyclic command, which lets you travel values in cycles.
toggles (switches)
any command that may have a binary value can be defined by a switch. For example, the variable "always run" (running always) supports the values 0 or 1, so that we could create a switch that allows us to switch between 0 and 1 by pressing a key. This has two advantages:
1. in the case of the command "+ speed" (running), no need to hold down the shift key to run and release to just walk. if you do not want to draw attention of the opposite, so going to change then press again to continue career mode.
2. is a way to economize on the use of keys. use only one key instead of using two (one for walking and one for running).
the syntax of this command is as follows:
bind [key] Oggle [command] r
[Key] is the key to use, without putting []
[Command] is the command in quotation marks, without putting the []
here's a couple of examples I have in my "autoexec.cfg"
ui_showgun Oggle bind alternating shift if it shows the gun: 1-yes, 0-no.
bind f3 Oggle com_showfps displays the fps's 1-yes 0-no.
bind f4 Oggle g_showwaypoints displays crossing points: 1-yes, 0-no.
bind f5 Oggle g_rotatecommandmap enables rotation of the map: 1-yes, 0-no.
look in your configuration of variables that can take values of 0 or 1. all of them can be configured as switches.
cycle (cycling)
cycling allows the player to traverse a range of different values with a simple command. For example, you can use to change the icon size of the players. how to do it:
bind [key] "cycle [variable] [initial value] [final value] [increment (optional)]"
in case you want to use a cycle to change the icon size players would be something like this:
bind [key] "cycle g_playericonsize October 1930 5" (initial 10-May-30-final installments of 5)
this changes the size of the icon of the players in steps of 5, starting at 10-30, and back again.
philosophical question - does the optimization of cvars is cheating?
I think not. improving cvars is available to everyone that google search, open a cfg file, copy and paste. need not be known nuclear engineering, after all, did you know to find your way here alone.
in addition, server administrators make the rules, limit what they consider acceptable for play (cvars, played mods, mod settings, Bla bla bla). to enforce "their standards" of the game, have a couple of tools available (rcon, PunkBuster, personal presence, ...) with which they can monitor and moderate their servers, I stress: their servers and their communities.
as guest players "home person" (this is of my own), we have two obligations:
1 - play by their rules.
2 - if you do not like their rules, leave and find another server that is to your liking.
all this, keep in mind that we are in a beta testing ...
finally, what does all this mean for the "tweaker"?. each administrator defines a range or legal values for each cvar, and help the PunkBuster to control compliance. Players are allowed to modify those values cvar only within certain limits. those "tweakers" in excess of one or more of these limits, just have to find another server. Is this cheating? hard, because knowing the rules, you'll see which servers you want to play.
If you disagree, do not go from here.
if you do not share my philosophy about optimization and cheating, then do not follow along and "save your soul" ....
visibility and performance tweaks (improved performance and visibility)
first of all that is here is a good thread which answers many questions about the limits of fps's and make some parallel between fluency and pure fps's.
com_allowconsole one can download only console by pressing "No" instead of "ctrl + alt + º"
general customization
all that comes below is to turn off swinging and rocks as you move.
pm_crouchbob 0
pm_bobroll 0
pm_bobpitch 0
pm_bobup 0
pm_runroll 0
pm_runpitch 0
pm_runbob 0
pm_walkbob 0
g_chatdefaultcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of general chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
g_chatfireteamcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of fire team chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
g_chatteamcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of team chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
rgba format consists of four numbers, the first three of 0-255, and the fourth is the alpha channel which measures the level of transparency or opacity. For example, red equals 255 0 0. in the example given is black (0 0 0).
performance improvements
r_shadows 0 removes shadows beneficial internal and external does not affect the light
r_skipstuff one off the appearance of foliage and grass, that is, remove "crap"
setmachinespec 0 adjust your graphic settings to minimum and load the "minspec.cfg" which contains some additional settings that will help in pc's slow
r_mode can always play with your screen resolution
g_showplayershadow 0 removes the shadow of the player
g_decals 0 disables the bullets marks
improving the graphics quality
image_lodbias -1 to 1 sets the minimap to use at a given distance. generally "-1" gives an image with many squares, while "1" gives a somewhat blurred image. you can use intermediate values as 0.25 if you like or outliers.
0 r_megadrawmethod greatly improves lighting quality and improves the effect of depth of field of vision.
r_md5lodscale 10 hides the transition from low resolution models with long distance to much detail (vehicles, players)
seta image_detailpower 1 controls how fast the detail textures diffuse (0 = mipmap normal, 1 = falls after the first level)
r_renderprogramloddistance 400 affects the distance over which are rendered special effects such as shiny metal
Optimized Visibility
ui_showgun 0 removes the gun to the sight and sound cartridges for gdf. another note: you can not combine the commands of weapons with anything, because it is not possible to remove in a selective model of weapon and leave the tool selectively. g_playericonsize 10 reduces the size of the icon players
g_weaponswitchtimeout and # 65 533; off the animation of the weapon to remove those that are available when you switch weapon
gui_showtooltips and # 65 533; off emerging tools
gui_crosshairspreadscale and # 65 533; define the sizes of vertical and horizontal bars around the spotlight
gui_crosshairgrenadealpha and # 65 533, 286 585 sets the transparency of the circular progress indicator granadasherramientas
gui_crosshairstatsalpha and # 65 533; change transparency of the indicators of health and ammo (0 = off)
gui_crosshairspreadalpha and # 65 533; change the transparency of the scale indicator spread
gui_crosshairalpha and # 65 533; 0.5 changes the level of transparency in the spotlight
g_showfireteamlocation 0 only shows the name and health of your fire team hud.
if you have a core 2 duo that is very interesting
threaded optimization in the control panel auto envy.
r_threadedrenderer to 2 if you have a duo core or quad-core this cvar comes with patch 1.2
Source: Forums territorioenemigo of chusz forero
berserk put something if you think it's interesting in the main post.
I and applied almost everything .. rolling over all of the doll
commands for the character model
Post # 1
GCRs special forces
group icon
group: premium member
Posts: 2.777
Joined: 20-november 04
from: curridabat
member no.: 383
Province: San José
x-fire: bloodwolftico
to turn the famous skins in q4 can use the following commands:
1st cg_forcemodels
1st cg_forcecolors
model to define the enemy can use a range of options that the game brings:
model_player_tactical_transferr cg_enemymodel
model_player_marine_helmetedr cg_teammodel
for the enemy's colors using the RGB format by defining three values based on this table
cg_enemycolor and # 65 533; 255 0 (green)
cg_teamcolor 255 255 0 (yellow)
to activate the hud (heads-up display or indicating vidaarmorammo) only one command with three options for this patch:
cpmhud1r hud_style
cpmhud5r hud_style
opshud5r hud_style
* Note: these commands are available for the mod from version 0.71 q4max
Here is a list of useful varial:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
before starting.
iv quake has the Doom III graphics engine, so many commands and options will be common to both games.
the first thing you do is a copy of the configuration file, quake4config.cfg that is in the folder where you installed there q4base the game, this will avoid problems later. can also restore the default configuration file by removing only quake4config.cfg, the game will generate a new one.
1 .- console
2 .- our own configuration file (the config)
3 .- syntax
4 .- performance settings
5 .- nick coloring
6 .- removes the player's movement while walking, balancing
7 .- several variables varied
8 .- actions assigned to keys (bindeables)
1 .- console.
iv quake console will serve to cover all types of commands and configuration commands to the game.
to enter the console, simply press "ctrl + alt + ~" key "~" is the one above the tab (to 1).
This key combination is often horrible to use, let's change it to open the console just by pressing "~"
* Modify the shortcut to the game:
instead of "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe"
will "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe" + set com_allowconsole 1
we can avoid leaving three introductions entering the game (id Software, Raven Software and Activision), modifying the shortcut:
* Modify the shortcut to the game:
instead of "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe"
will "c: \ Program Files softwarequake 4quake4.exe" 1 + + set disconnect com_allowconsole
to record all the text in the console in a text file by typing 'condump nombre_del_fichero.txt'.
2 .- our own configuration file (the config)
entering the game, he charged, if any, a file called 'autoexec.cfg' There we put our commands to load automatically upon entering, if we keep our settings in another file, eg 'dide.cfg' we write on the console "exec dide.cfg 'or write in the' autoexec.cfg '.
configuration file will be executed sequentially, that is, if we have the same command twice with different values, the latter shall prevail and they will overwrite the first value.
We will see some basic commands.
3 .- syntax
to write comments using the following syntax:
the two bars will show the game
not interpret what comes next
which is a commentary by the author to provide
subsequent reading or editing, comments
are very important, a programmer tells you:)
to assign a key to a particular action, use the command 'bind' followed by the pound and the command to be executed:
m o v i m i e n t o
bind "w" "_forward" advance
bind "a" "_moveleft"
bind "s" "_back" back
bind "d" "_moveright"
bind "space" "_speed" caminarcorrer
We shall see all movement commands and others, now only interested in the syntax.
other commands that are not allocations are prefixed with "set" or "mushroom" (this store), there are 5 numbers, but so far only using 'set' and we will store it in your configuration file.
to show the number of frames per second (fps) that is able to process your computer will use the following command:
September com_showfps "1?
default and like the game Doom III is limited to 60 fps, to override the limitation of fps add the following command:
September com_fixedtic "-1?
This command does not improve the performance of your computer but it serves to get started:), the default value is "0?.
4 .- performance settings
September image_useCache "1? active options.
September image_cachemegs "128? cache size of compressed images, 128 for 512mb of system ram to 1GB 196-256
image_cachemink September "2048? This need to put the game does not crash.
and more:
September image_downsizespecular "1? the decrease of active textures for some types of glare, useful if your graph has less than 256mb of ram.
September image_downsizebump "1? toggles the size of the textures for maps 'dump' for graphic
September image_downsize "1? toggles the size of the textures, for graphics
September image_downsizespecularlimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
September image_downsizebumplimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx 512 for 128mb gfx 256 for 64mb
September image_downsizelimit "512? 1024 for 256mb gfx. 512 for 128mb gfx. 256 for 64mb
September image_lodbias "0.2? 0 by default, level of detail to arms.
other interesting graphics options:
September g_muzzleflash "0? rendered or not the flash of shooting, defaults to 0
September g_brasstime "0? to show the cartridges when you shoot.
September g_projectilelights "0? remove the missiles lights
September g_skipitemshadowsmp "0? eliminates the shadows of the items, multiplayer Siol
September g_skipplayershadowsmp "0? eliminates the shadows of the players, multiplayer only.
September g_showplayershadow "0? eliminates the shadows of the players, single player
September g_skipvieweffects "0? eliminates some special effects.
brightness and gamma:
September r_brightness "1.4? brightness, default 1.2
September r_gamma "1.5? gamma defaults to 1
5 .- nick coloring
example: ^ ^ 3e = Dide 1did
^ 1 red
^ 2 green
^ 3 yellow
^ 4 blue
Blue ^ 5
^ 6 pink
^ 7 white
^ 8 gray
6 .- removes the player's movement while walking, balancing
September pm_runbob "0? 0.4 default
September pm_runpitch "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_runroll "0? defaults to 0005
September pm_walkbob "0? 0.3 default
September pm_bobpitch "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_bobroll "0? defaults to 0002
September pm_bobup "0? defaults to 0005
September pm_crouchbob "0? 0.5 default
7 .- .- varied several variables:)
Here is a list of useful variables:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity 8 (I am very sensitive:)
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
8 .- actions assigned to keys (bindeables)
Action description
_attack shooting
_zoom activate zoom
ammunition reloading _impulse13
_impulse14 previous weapon
_impulse15 next weapon
activardesactivar _impulse50 flashlight
_impulse0 glove
_impulse1 cut
_impulse2 machine gun
Hyperblaster _impulse3
_impulse4 grenades
plasma _impulse5
bazoca _impulse6
railgun _impulse7
_impulse8 ray
BFG _impulse9
control character
_forward advance
Back _back
skip _moveup
Crouch _movedown
correrandar _speed
_voicechat voice chat
clientmessagemode global message
clientmessagemode a group message
emote salute gesture
gesture emote cheer
gesture taunt emote
grab_a gesture emote
interface control
togglemenu menu
toggleconsole console
_impulse19 score goals
_ingamestats multiplayer statistics
pause pause the game
_impulse28 vote if
_impulse29 vote no
_impulse17 prepared
_impulse20 change teams
_impulse21 viewer change room
_impulse22 viewing,
Quick Save savegame quick starting
loadgame starting quick fast charge
suicide kill -1
reconnect reconnect
disconnect switch
exit out of the game
screenshot screenshot in tga
screenshotjpg screenshot in jpg
another little help ...
Courtesy of:
wolf for newbies
wolf for newbies - cvars link
cvars (variables console)
A table of cvars with some notes on where they are used, what values can be taken and a brief description if I know. I also added some notes the variables that you can "trick" to improve your framerate. values are binary, ie 0 or 1, can be defined as switches, to give you the ability to change its value quickly from one state to another. other cvars with a range of values can be configured using a cyclic command, which lets you travel values in cycles.
toggles (switches)
any command that may have a binary value can be defined by a switch. For example, the variable "always run" (running always) supports the values 0 or 1, so that we could create a switch that allows us to switch between 0 and 1 by pressing a key. This has two advantages:
1. in the case of the command "+ speed" (running), no need to hold down the shift key to run and release to just walk. if you do not want to draw attention of the opposite, so going to change then press again to continue career mode.
2. is a way to economize on the use of keys. use only one key instead of using two (one for walking and one for running).
the syntax of this command is as follows:
bind [key] Oggle [command] r
[Key] is the key to use, without putting []
[Command] is the command in quotation marks, without putting the []
here's a couple of examples I have in my "autoexec.cfg"
ui_showgun Oggle bind alternating shift if it shows the gun: 1-yes, 0-no.
bind f3 Oggle com_showfps displays the fps's 1-yes 0-no.
bind f4 Oggle g_showwaypoints displays crossing points: 1-yes, 0-no.
bind f5 Oggle g_rotatecommandmap enables rotation of the map: 1-yes, 0-no.
look in your configuration of variables that can take values of 0 or 1. all of them can be configured as switches.
cycle (cycling)
cycling allows the player to traverse a range of different values with a simple command. For example, you can use to change the icon size of the players. how to do it:
bind [key] "cycle [variable] [initial value] [final value] [increment (optional)]"
in case you want to use a cycle to change the icon size players would be something like this:
bind [key] "cycle g_playericonsize October 1930 5" (initial 10-May-30-final installments of 5)
this changes the size of the icon of the players in steps of 5, starting at 10-30, and back again.
philosophical question - does the optimization of cvars is cheating?
I think not. improving cvars is available to everyone that google search, open a cfg file, copy and paste. need not be known nuclear engineering, after all, did you know to find your way here alone.
in addition, server administrators make the rules, limit what they consider acceptable for play (cvars, played mods, mod settings, Bla bla bla). to enforce "their standards" of the game, have a couple of tools available (rcon, PunkBuster, personal presence, ...) with which they can monitor and moderate their servers, I stress: their servers and their communities.
as guest players "home person" (this is of my own), we have two obligations:
1 - play by their rules.
2 - if you do not like their rules, leave and find another server that is to your liking.
all this, keep in mind that we are in a beta testing ...
finally, what does all this mean for the "tweaker"?. each administrator defines a range or legal values for each cvar, and help the PunkBuster to control compliance. Players are allowed to modify those values cvar only within certain limits. those "tweakers" in excess of one or more of these limits, just have to find another server. Is this cheating? hard, because knowing the rules, you'll see which servers you want to play.
If you disagree, do not go from here.
if you do not share my philosophy about optimization and cheating, then do not follow along and "save your soul" ....
visibility and performance tweaks (improved performance and visibility)
first of all that is here is a good thread which answers many questions about the limits of fps's and make some parallel between fluency and pure fps's.
com_allowconsole one can download only console by pressing "No" instead of "ctrl + alt + º"
general customization
all that comes below is to turn off swinging and rocks as you move.
pm_crouchbob 0
pm_bobroll 0
pm_bobpitch 0
pm_bobup 0
pm_runroll 0
pm_runpitch 0
pm_runbob 0
pm_walkbob 0
g_chatdefaultcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of general chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
g_chatfireteamcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of fire team chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
g_chatteamcolor 0 0 0 0 defines the color of team chat rgba format (0-0-0 = black)
rgba format consists of four numbers, the first three of 0-255, and the fourth is the alpha channel which measures the level of transparency or opacity. For example, red equals 255 0 0. in the example given is black (0 0 0).
performance improvements
r_shadows 0 removes shadows beneficial internal and external does not affect the light
r_skipstuff one off the appearance of foliage and grass, that is, remove "crap"
setmachinespec 0 adjust your graphic settings to minimum and load the "minspec.cfg" which contains some additional settings that will help in pc's slow
r_mode can always play with your screen resolution
g_showplayershadow 0 removes the shadow of the player
g_decals 0 disables the bullets marks
improving the graphics quality
image_lodbias -1 to 1 sets the minimap to use at a given distance. generally "-1" gives an image with many squares, while "1" gives a somewhat blurred image. you can use intermediate values as 0.25 if you like or outliers.
0 r_megadrawmethod greatly improves lighting quality and improves the effect of depth of field of vision.
r_md5lodscale 10 hides the transition from low resolution models with long distance to much detail (vehicles, players)
seta image_detailpower 1 controls how fast the detail textures diffuse (0 = mipmap normal, 1 = falls after the first level)
r_renderprogramloddistance 400 affects the distance over which are rendered special effects such as shiny metal
Optimized Visibility
ui_showgun 0 removes the gun to the sight and sound cartridges for gdf. another note: you can not combine the commands of weapons with anything, because it is not possible to remove in a selective model of weapon and leave the tool selectively. g_playericonsize 10 reduces the size of the icon players
g_weaponswitchtimeout and # 65 533; off the animation of the weapon to remove those that are available when you switch weapon
gui_showtooltips and # 65 533; off emerging tools
gui_crosshairspreadscale and # 65 533; define the sizes of vertical and horizontal bars around the spotlight
gui_crosshairgrenadealpha and # 65 533, 286 585 sets the transparency of the circular progress indicator granadasherramientas
gui_crosshairstatsalpha and # 65 533; change transparency of the indicators of health and ammo (0 = off)
gui_crosshairspreadalpha and # 65 533; change the transparency of the scale indicator spread
gui_crosshairalpha and # 65 533; 0.5 changes the level of transparency in the spotlight
g_showfireteamlocation 0 only shows the name and health of your fire team hud.
if you have a core 2 duo that is very interesting
threaded optimization in the control panel auto envy.
r_threadedrenderer to 2 if you have a duo core or quad-core this cvar comes with patch 1.2
Source: Forums territorioenemigo of chusz forero
berserk put something if you think it's interesting in the main post.
I and applied almost everything .. rolling over all of the doll
commands for the character model
Post # 1
GCRs special forces
group icon
group: premium member
Posts: 2.777
Joined: 20-november 04
from: curridabat
member no.: 383
Province: San José
x-fire: bloodwolftico
to turn the famous skins in q4 can use the following commands:
1st cg_forcemodels
1st cg_forcecolors
model to define the enemy can use a range of options that the game brings:
model_player_tactical_transferr cg_enemymodel
model_player_marine_helmetedr cg_teammodel
for the enemy's colors using the RGB format by defining three values based on this table
cg_enemycolor and # 65 533; 255 0 (green)
cg_teamcolor 255 255 0 (yellow)
to activate the hud (heads-up display or indicating vidaarmorammo) only one command with three options for this patch:
cpmhud1r hud_style
cpmhud5r hud_style
opshud5r hud_style
* Note: these commands are available for the mod from version 0.71 q4max
Here is a list of useful varial:
possible value variable description
Dide ui_name player's name
TQC ui_clan clan name
ui_model model (avatar) model_player_marine_medic
ui_skin skinscharactersplayermarine_mp player skin
com_allowconsole enable a console
r_brightness brightness, better to raise it to 1.2 gamma
r_gamma gamma, left the default one
r_swapinterval vsync, vertical sync 0
r_shadows shadows 0
in_freelook a clear view
m_smooth mouse movement smoothing a
m_strafescale smoothing scale of 6.25 strafe
m_strafesmooth strafe smoothing scale (pattern) 4
m_pitch pitch (not inverted) 0022
yaw m_yaw 0022
sensitivity mouse sensitivity
in_alwaysrun always run a
Crouch in_togglecrouch 1
in_togglerun run 1
view (interface)
com_showfps show fps 1
g_fov field of vision 100
All 1 g_showhud mostrarocultar
ui_showgun a gun show
zoom in_togglezoom 1
ui_hitscantint colors of the rail 9 4 2
ui_autoswitch change weapon to cojerla 0
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°6
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
well here we go, the 999 colors for quake 4 so give it a good look at your nick
here you find the icons of quake 4
here you find the icons of quake 4
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°7
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
^ Iw09 for the dark matter gun symbol
^ Iw00 symbol for The Gauntlet
^ Iw04 symbol for the grenade launcher
^ Iw03 hyperblaster for the symbol
^ Iw08 lightninggun for the symbol
^ Iw01 machinegun for the symbol
^ Iw05 symbol for the nailgun
^ Iw07 symbol for the railgun
^ Iw06 rocketlauncher for the symbol
^ Iw02 symbol for the shotgun
other symbols
^ Idm1 for a green x
^ Iarr for a right arrow
^ Idm0 for a skull and crossbones
^ Ifve for a star
^ Idse for the Armor Shard symbol
^ Idbl For The doubler symbol
^ Igrd for the Guard symbol
^ Iflm for the Marine flag symbol
^ Ipse for the padlock symbol
^ Ifdd Played for the muted symbol
^ Ifde unmuted Played for the symbol
^ Ipbe for the PunkBuster logo
^ Irgn symbol for the regeneration
^ Isct for the scout symbol
^ Ifls for the Strogg Flag symbol
^ Ivcd voice for the disabled symbol
^ Ivce for the voice enabled symbol
^ Iw09 for the dark matter gun symbol
^ Iw00 symbol for The Gauntlet
^ Iw04 symbol for the grenade launcher
^ Iw03 hyperblaster for the symbol
^ Iw08 lightninggun for the symbol
^ Iw01 machinegun for the symbol
^ Iw05 symbol for the nailgun
^ Iw07 symbol for the railgun
^ Iw06 rocketlauncher for the symbol
^ Iw02 symbol for the shotgun
other symbols
^ Idm1 for a green x
^ Iarr for a right arrow
^ Idm0 for a skull and crossbones
^ Ifve for a star
^ Idse for the Armor Shard symbol
^ Idbl For The doubler symbol
^ Igrd for the Guard symbol
^ Iflm for the Marine flag symbol
^ Ipse for the padlock symbol
^ Ifdd Played for the muted symbol
^ Ifde unmuted Played for the symbol
^ Ipbe for the PunkBuster logo
^ Irgn symbol for the regeneration
^ Isct for the scout symbol
^ Ifls for the Strogg Flag symbol
^ Ivcd voice for the disabled symbol
^ Ivce for the voice enabled symbol
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°8
well that is all I hope you like! ! !
diScOdAnCer*- Rank : Trinity(*T1),*LEE
Immortal points : 997989059
Kalakaz Reputation : 804
- Post n°9
GOOD work> > >nice intel
GOOD work> > >nice intel
IMMORTALZ- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 368467299
Kalakaz Reputation : 548
- Post n°10
thanks Friend
exo because I do this for kalakaz
gio- Rank : Elite First Class(*E1C)
Immortal points : 100898941
Kalakaz Reputation : 79
- Post n°11
Re: Quake4Config.cfg -> super help
valla pila de movidas xaval de no se te habra Cuánto tiempo Costao Pero una Valió la pena:) +
Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:07 pm by diScOdAnCer*
» No feAr ImMoRTaLz aRe HErE ·|-<
Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:39 pm by IMMORTALZ
Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:22 pm by IMMORTALZ
Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:59 pm by diScOdAnCer*
» NEWS --> Team Updates ~ XMAS
Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:25 am by diScOdAnCer*
» !! NEWS !! UPDATEZ !! -
Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:40 am by IMMORTALZ
» Unreal Immortalz 2
Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:11 pm by IMMORTALZ
Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:34 pm by IMMORTALZ
Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:42 pm by IMMORTALZ